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Help me sort out my dockers!!

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Hi ... i have an issue wiyh my docker network setup which i just cant seem to fix. Doesnt help that i'm linux illiterate either. My problem is that 'some' of my dockers start and get to their end webpage but gradually the majority have stopped connecting. I just get an error 'Unable to connect. Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at'


This happens across my sonarr, radarr and now my sab and nzbget dockers. I CAN connect via makemkv alone.

I've tried across different browsers, no change.

All of the dockers are set up with 'bridge' as network type.


Could it be that my docker networking is corrupt?


Of so where do i start correcting (understanding) it?


This is driving me nuts, i raised it on the appropriate docker forums a while ago but never received anything to go on. It's gradually got worse since then to the extent that, with only one remaining accesible docker, makemkv, they are soon to become extinct on my PC ;>))


C'mon guys, hold my hand and help me out.


Here's a screenshot of my dockers, anything look strange?



I'm getting this message in sonarr log, radarr is similar in saying there's duplicate ports somewhere but where??


'20-1-7 21:45:19.0|Info|OwinHostController|Listening on the following URLs:
20-1-7 21:45:19.0|Info|OwinHostController|
20-1-7 21:45:19.0|Info|OwinHostController|
20-1-7 21:45:19.0|Info|OwinHostController|  http://localhost:8989/
20-1-7 21:45:19.0|Info|OwinHostController|  https://localhost:9898/
20-1-7 21:45:19.3|Info|NancyBootstrapper|Starting Web Server
20-1-7 21:45:20.2|Fatal|ConsoleApp|The requested address is not valid in this context. This can happen if another instance of Sonarr is already running another application is using the same port (default: 8989) or the user has insufficient permissions'


Screenshot_2020-01-07 smtower Docker.png

Edited by superloopy1
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Looks odd to me, if that is in the sonar log it shouldn't be seeing the external IP 192.x.x.x


For example my logs only show:

19-12-22 17:55:09.7|Info|OwinHostController|Listening on the following URLs:
19-12-22 17:55:09.7|Info|OwinHostController|  http://*:8989/
19-12-22 17:55:10.7|Info|NancyBootstrapper|Starting Web Server



My docker config looks comparable





In the docker I just have this for the port





Edited by Decto
changed to advanced view
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Those screenshots and your confirmation of what SHOULD be in the logs sent me off to the 'hidden' general section of both sonarr and radarr where I found that I had bound  the IP address of my server  instead of '*' (or all interfaces). If anyone can explain just how this messed everything up I'd appreciate it. Once corrected everything sprang back to life. Can't remember when, or why, I made that change. A couple of months ago I think. But, can I again thankyou for taking the time to reply. Much appreciated!!!

Edited by superloopy1
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