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Key Upgrade or devices not working?

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Hey Unraid users, 

I am currently using Unraid OS Plus key with 
2 Parity Drives
6 Data Disks
1 Cache 
1 Unsigned SSD 

I plugged in two more drives and I can not find them in the GUI, not even after stopping array. 
Is it time for key upgrade or.. ? 

In the Unraid pricing it says Plus is for Up to 12 attached storage devices. I have 10 plugged in. 

Are the two new drives not registering? They are plugged in via expansion card on mobo....

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Marvell Controllers have been a headache for quite some time now.  You might want to read this thread for a problem that has the same symptoms as yours:





That fix might work...


The current recommendation to to use cards based on the LSI controller chips.  These are widely available from a number of sources at reasonable costs.  Unless you want to flash the card made sure it is in the IT-Mode. 


See here for details:




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ok. thank you for pointing me in right direction.. so its the SATA Controller by Marvel that has a know bug with Unraid. fair.. 


Would I be better of finding a replacement or trying to run that fix, " append iommu=pt initrd=/bzroot" that you linked to.. 
i have no idea how to do that by the way.. very inexperienced when it comes to programming/scripts. 


what sata controller do you recommend for plug and play, no more than 4 connectors since i am at the limit of drives in the chassis. 

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You would be editing the file   syslinux/syslinux.cfg  on the flash drive.  Make a copy of the file before you start.  You would do the editing using the instructions in this post and the next three posts provide additional clarification:




You do need a Linux aware editor (This file uses Linux <cr> line endings) or use the  CA Config Editor (Which installs on the Tools page.  you can find the CA Config Editor on the APPS page by searching. )


About LSI controller cards.  These are actually Server Grade RAID cards.   Unraid can not use them in a RAID configuration but LSI also provided them in the IT-MODE configuration (using different firmware) which turned them HBA's.  They are widely available when server farms are retired.  And the cards are still being made.  (Not by LSI as they merged with another company and then there was a third merger.)  The third firm is  still making the RAID cards and selling the chip sets.  So there are a lot of new counterfeit cards (having the LSI logo but not made by LSI) out there.  E-bay has a large number of vendors selling cards.  Vet the vendor.  Buy local (to your country) and remember quality and reputation is more important than price in this case!  The most commonly available cards have 8 ports (LSI once made 4 and 16 port cards) and they are the cheapest.  


The ones pulled from retired servers have to be flashed to the IT-mode by you or the selling vendor.  You will pay a premium to have the vendor do it.  The OEM ones (usually Dell or IBM) have to be crossflashed to the LSI firmware. 


Cost are about $50 to $100US for a good quality card. 

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