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Storing array on the USB Boot Device


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I'm primarily using unRAID as a hypervisor directly passing through GPU and NVMe controllers/SSDs to maximize performance. [And before you say that I could just use Linux for that, yes, I could, but the unRAID GUI and management is great.]  I really don't use the Array itself other than for containing the vBIOS images and an ISO for initially installing the OS, neither of which receive much access.  From reading other topics on this forum with similar use-cases, I saw that the Array starting is linked to licensing so bypassing that isn't an option, but I also saw the workaround of using another USB stick to be the sole disk for the array and that is working.  That said, it would be amazing if I could use a single USB stick to both boot from and contain the array.  Is it possible to do something like that? I doubt it, but was hoping that perhaps there was some partitioning or mounting trick that would make it possible.


Thanks in advance!

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