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[SOLVED] Networking Issue

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I am having problems obtaining a local IP address and am unable to access the web-gui from other computers. It does boot, I can get to both console and the UI off the flash drive, both work fine and I can start the array from the UI. However I can't get it accessible on my LAN. I have tried deleting network.cfg from /boot, no luck. I have tried DHCP and static on both my router and the server, no go. All other devices on network can access internet. With different reboots I can ping my router, I can ping the server from the server console itself but not from other devices, I can ping but get error on google.com, and after other reboots I can only ping locally. Sometimes the server is assigned and other times, but eventually that fallback IP is updated to with static IP set on my router and the server web-gui is still inaccessible. I have tried the flash drive in different USB ports. I have tried accessing the web-gui from multiple devices on multiple browsers.


Of note, this all started when I was making multiple attempts to stub devices and other things (honestly forget all I did) trying to get the crackles out of my Windows 10 VM's audio. I had numerous errors through all that and had a bunch of frozen boots. The only thing left I can think of is that the issue is with my router but I am in a shared house using a newish comcast xfinity router so I'm pretty limited with what I can do with that. I have attached diagnostics. Thanks to anyone who can help.sweden-diagnostics-20200122-0712.zip

sweden-diagnostics-20200122-0552.zip syslog.txt

Edited by krendell
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Try setting your static IP address nearer to the high end of the range.  Say,


That way, it will be out of the range of where HDCP is making its address assignments.


You also want to avoid making static assignments to the first few addresses at the bottom of the range unless you know exactly what ports your router is using for its own purposes.  You should also 'notify' the router (via its settings) that you have set a static IP address so that it knows not to assign that address via HDCP.

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Well that was stupid.... was just poking around my router's admin portal and saw that when I thought I was deleting dhcp assignments by clicking the X button I was actually blocking the mac address instead. Thank you Frank for your assistance. And thanks comcast for your idiotic ui.

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