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Plex with GPU crashes server


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Hi Guys,


So I have had a great deal of instability of late and have tried a number of things including swapping out memory for known working memory and removing all plugins and dockers and starting fresh.

I installed a clean instance of plex with my GTX 1660 Super allocated to it for transcoding then redownloaded all the metadata, I was able to start and stop the container without issue.

I have found however if I play a single file that utilizes the gpu (any transcoding) when I go to close that container the entire server locks up and must be hard reset.

My only option it seems is to run plex with no hardware transcoding... the same issue I have found in passing a GPU (historically) to a VM, when I shut that VM down the server freezes.

To be clear I am not running a VM at the moment and the VM service is disabled.


It is a real shame because I loved unraid and used it for many years but after 2 months of constant crashing and instability other than abandoning unraid and buying a synology that can use hardware transoding can anyone offer any ideas as to why this is happening? I don't even care if the reason fixes the issue I would just like to understand why this is crashing reliably everytime.

I followed spaceinvaderone's tutorial for Nvidia GPU passthrough to the letter and have no other dockers or VM or plugins installed.


As the entire server is frozen up I can't get a log to attach.

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