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unRAID 6.8.x, Shares Disappear

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Recently upgraded to 6.8.2 after being on 6.8.0-rc6 for a while after facing issues with the 6.8.0 release and 6.8.1 release. On the non-RC releases, my shares all seem to disappear after some time. I can't seem to find anything in /var/log/syslog, dmesg, or messages that help me understand what is going on. My only potential thought is a specific SMB configuration that I enabled to force SMB3, but it has been that way since 6.5 with no issues. 


I attached my diagnostic file, so hopefully someone can help.




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3 minutes ago, PuffyDumpty said:

I can't seem to find anything in /var/log/syslog, dmesg, or messages that help me understand what is going on.

Same, try increasing Samba log level, might be something visible there:


Go to Settings -> SMB -> SMB Extras and add:


log level = 3
logging = syslog


Then check or post the syslog when it happens again, note that Samba will get very chatty so it can fill it up after a few hours.

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Disabled NetBIOS and removed the client and server signing requirements. Changed the min protocol to SMB3_11 vs just SMB3 after looking at the man page. Seems it should be the same, but at least it's been working for a while now. I suspect the signing requirements are what were killing it. I'll reintroduce those once I see this is stable for a few days. 

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