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Unraid system locking up

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Hey there,


I have slowly been getting my main server unraid ready after wiping it. i installed a windows vm, a bunch of docker apps and had been rsyncing my content via my user script from another unraid box. Last night i started getting rsync unexpected connection closes sometimes it would get a few more files before giving up. After trying various things i relised i had not rebooted the system since the rsync errors occurred, but that is when my troubles started.


After the reboot the system and unraid ui became alot slower to serve various things, my docker apps struggled to keep up for example a userscript  that just echos "hi" would take about 20 seconds to "start" and then not even echo, my netdata app would either not update or take a few minutes to log some cpu changes and would requires 5-10 minutes for any other categories if i was to scroll further. Before this specific reboot everything was running perfectly fine netdata would pull info a okay.


At this point i wondered if something was going wrong with the windows vm or maybe one of the docker apps was chewing up the pc resources so i switched them all to not startup with the pool and shutdown the system and turned it back on. This didnt seem to change a thing, i then wondered if it was simply being throttled maybe temp wise so i installed dymanix and it seemed to show 40-60 c. just incase the temp readings were not correct i left the machine off for 24h.


Apon turning it back on nothing had changed so i even went as far to shutdown the pool and load up the system.


After all of this doing things like the info modal takes ~10 seconds and attempting to run a user script that is just `echo "hi"` takes bewteen 5-20 seconds to bring up the modal and just never runs.


i must have something defective as it was working perfectly for about a week, could it be the usb that unraid is running on has just started to cark it? i will start researching how to test the flash drive in the mean time


attached is my diagnostics.


Any tips to help diagnose this would be much appreciated


Thanks in advance!!


edit: just to be clear this was not the first reboot since installing the vms and docker apps when my problems occured


Edited by phyzical
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well i figured it out kind of... feel silly now haha...


i must have a firefox addon causing issues or some sort of cache issue (which i know firefox tries reallly hard to do).


an incognito window and everything is fine, netdata is super responsive.


before i close this does anyone else get this issue? ive tried disabling all my firefox addons and doesnt seem to help.


Edited by phyzical
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