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WebUI slow upon initial load of Main page and Dockers, but no where else

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Hi everyone,


I've been having an odd problem lately that I haven't been able to pin down. Upon the initial load of Main or Docker, my browser takes 30-60 seconds to load the page. However subsequent loading of those pages, or other pages in the WebUI open quickly as expected. After a few hours, the issue returns and a load of Main or Docker is slow again for the initial load, then after that it's normal.



I can replicate this issue in other browsers with no cached site data or browser add-ons. I've tried changing DNS on my server, disabled the Docker system, and tried booting unRAID in safe mode. I've also browsed the forum here looking for similar reports - the issue with Avahi isn't happening.


I believe this issue started somewhere in the 6.8 betas, but I can't be certain. I'm running 6.8.1, and will try 6.8.2 later today.



Anyone have any ideas?




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  • 2 months later...

I seem to have fixed this, but I'm not sure how. I have been experimenting with CPU pinning with my docker containers, and have restricted some dockers to only a handful of cores, and given others a bunch of cores. After doing this, the WebUI has been behaving itself as expected! I have no idea exactly why changing the CPU core assignments would affect this issue, but I'll take it.

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