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LSI 9211 8i and PCIe 4x : is it ok ?


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My problem is simple, my motherboard Z390M gaming from gigabyte has 1 PCIe 16x and 1 PCIe 4x along with a couple PCIe 1x.

Considering my case (CS381) and space available, i can only use the PCIe 16x for my graphic card.

Wich means i can only connect my (not received yet, i can still cancel) LSI 9211 8i controller to the PCIe 4x port.

I read everywher that it should be plugged into a 8x Pcie and never in a 1x PCIe. But what about a 4x PCIe ? What would be the conséquences in case of 8 HDD ?


1/ no consequences as with unraid only 3 hdd would work at the same time ? if i simplify …

2/ no consequences as long as i only plug 4 HDD, and for 8HDD what would be the result ? half speed ? worse ?

3/ consequences even with 4hdd ?

4/ other ?

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