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[Solved] v6.8.2 - Unable to access server using port-forwarding


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Alright, going to ask some stupid questions now, just to make sure we are not missing something.


1) How is the unRaid server connected to the network? I assume both computers go through the same switch.

2) Any chance we can allow your DHCP server (your router more than likely) to assign the IP directly to the unraid server? I use a static reservation. I don't think this is the case, but I want to check that off here and make sure it is not that simple of an issue. 

3) Can we get a look at what other dockers you are running? And maybe stop all but nginx. Just want to make sure nothing else is getting in the way of this.

4) Have you done anything to the security of unraid, to make it more secure? There is some instructions on these forums to lock down unraid, but I have no idea what impacts that has to unraid.

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You sir, are an absolute legend. I don't know why I did not think about this myself, but simply checking if other containers were interfering solved the problem.


The culprit was Transmission-openvpn by haugene. (https://hub.docker.com/r/haugene/transmission-openvpn/) I was very surprised by this. I always thought that, apart from the path mappings, containers run completely isolated. Apperently the vpn was causing issues.


I got my torrent ip using https://torguard.net/checkmytorrentipaddress.php and I noticed that it was the same as the ip that plex was reporting as my external ip. I would very much like to know how this is possible.


I will now try to get my letsencrypt working. I will report back if I get it working or if I encounter any other issues.

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7 minutes ago, oko2708 said:

You sir, are an absolute legend. I don't know why I did not think about this myself, but simply checking if other containers were interfering solved the problem.


The culprit was Transmission-openvpn by haugene. (https://hub.docker.com/r/haugene/transmission-openvpn/) I was very surprised by this. I always thought that, apart from the path mappings, containers run completely isolated. Apperently the vpn was causing issues.


I got my torrent ip using https://torguard.net/checkmytorrentipaddress.php and I noticed that it was the same as the ip that plex was reporting as my external ip. I would very much like to know how this is possible.


I will now try to get my letsencrypt working. I will report back if I get it working or if I encounter any other issues.


No worries. Dockers all share the same docker network, unless you create extra networks to isolate them. I run an email server (mailcow dockerized) and all of the dockers are on the same network to allow them to talk to each other. Think of the docker network as a mini virtual switch, and everyone on them can talk to each other. I think they can't access each others data, unless you use the same mappings (think Sonarr and Sabnzbd and how Sonarr can send requests to Sabnzbd, etc.


I think moving that docker to it's on IP (br) or separate docker network might solve the issue. Maybe post a question on the support thread for that docker and see if that is a known issue or something easy to fix.


Let us know how it goes with letsencrypt docker, but if you recreate the docker with the proper ports it should work now.



Edited by Chess
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I've got the reverse proxy working now with cloudflare and my true IP is being masked. However, apparently cloudflare does only mask http(s) so I cannot use it for the minecraft server, so I still need to find a solution for that.


Thanks for all the help everyone. Much appreciated!

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