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How to give different permissions for different shares created in Unassigned Devices?


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I have UD installed and SMB turned on for UD. Now I am having 2 shares enabled under UD, so they are /disks/share1 and /disks/share2. I would like to have different SMB permission for them. For example, only user_a can R/W share1 and user_b can R/W share2. If I enabled R/W for user_a and user_b under UD settings, then both of them can access both the shares, which is not the case I want. May I know how can I achieve this? Thanks!

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2 ways I can think of:

  • Use a custom smb config file. The UD SMB is in itself just a custom SMB config file. (Hint: by "include" the file, you can edit the underlying file and restart SMB for it to work, instead of needing to stop the array if you edit the Unraid own config through the GUI.)
  • Have a cache-only share with the different permission and then create a symlink in the top folder that link to your corresponding UD mounts.

I am using both methods at the moment.


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Thanks for your reply.


32 minutes ago, testdasi said:

Use a custom smb config file. The UD SMB is in itself just a custom SMB config file. (Hint: by "include" the file, you can edit the underlying file and restart SMB for it to work, instead of needing to stop the array if you edit the Unraid own config through the GUI.)

May I know how exactly this work? Not sure how to do it and don't know where to start...


32 minutes ago, testdasi said:

Have a cache-only share with the different permission and then create a symlink in the top folder that link to your corresponding UD mounts.

Do you have to worry about the permission and ownership issue in this way? Does the permission set to the cache-only shares directly apply to the UD mounts with no conflict?



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