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VR Arcade Running UNRAID?


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So basically the thought I have been having is to run my VR Arcade off of two really good spec computers that cover 8 stations, 4 for each computer. But while I have been doing the endless amount for research for this I have no idea if it would even be worth it. 


The specs for these computers I have been all over the place trying to figure out if doing a dual xeon build would be better than a threadripper 3960X or 3970X. I’ve read things support the arguments for both sides. I would rather do a threadripper simply because I want to have these computers on display so people can see them and a threadripper with a lot of lights would look better than some sever board with lights. But also finding cases that 4 GPUs and a massive heatsink for a threadripper isn’t an easy task. 


I’m also split on the GPU to use, my original thought was RTX 2060 but there didn’t seem to be specific cases I could find of them working without a decent amount of issues. I’ve seen documentation for getting the RX 580 working without terribly too much trouble but still unsure. 


My other concerns are getting audio to the VR headsets(HTC Vive Pro and Oculus Quest using the Link system), I will also need the display to be sent to a monitor as well as the VR headset.


I have never used UNRAID before which is why I am reaching out to the community to see what yalls thoughts are on this. Is it worth the effort? If so which specs do people think would work better? Anything I’m missing or should look out for? I have only been looking into this for the past few days so I have a feeling I’m missing something...


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If you can find someone already doing exactly what you want to do, copy their hardware list. Otherwise, you are probably going to be very frustrated trying various combinations trying to get something working at all.


Unraid's KVM based virtual machine engine is easy to get passthrough working for 1 VM, somewhat more challenging to get 2 simultaneous machines each with hardware passthrough depending on the motherboard and CPU, doing 3 and 4 all on the same machine with a video card assigned to each VM is quite challenging, even with hardware that works well for 2 simultaneous machines.


I suspect you will be paying more for the parts capable of performing acceptably that can host 4 VM's than you would building 4 separate machines with similar performance.

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