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240 GB RevoDrive - $599


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heh...  got ya beat!  :)


Way back (1989?) I was building a killer system.  I thought I might get into Unix work at the time, so I wanted a *big* disk.


Systems then typically had 10MB  (notice - mega; not giga...) drives; a big system had 20MB.  A 40MB drive was Damn Big.


I got a drive so big I'd probably never have to buy another.


330 megabytes...    for $2200 !


Naturally, I didn't use more than 30MB for several years - and by that time 1GB drives were around.


I remember when Microcenter opened up in Cambridge MA - one of their opening specials was 1GB drives for $300.


I bought 3 of 'em.    :)


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Be warned: a friend of mine bought one of those drives (120GB version) & plugged it into a Asus Crosshair IV (with latest BIOS, see recommend motherboard list)

Was able to install Windows so it was bootable & seemed to work fine, but could NOT get the system stable, had real lockups every 5 to 20min (mouse / kb not working, sound stopped playing)

After several hours of reinstalling windows, different BIOS settings (voltages/IRQ's/onboard devices), re-installations of hardware, we replaced it with 3 x OCZ Vertex 2 (60GB) running in RAID0.

Almost the same performance and (at the time) a whole lot cheaper than the 120GB Revodrive, and more importantly: stable


The Revodrive is a great idea, but it still lacks support & compatibility. But they are super fast when they work ;)


120GB OCZ Revodrive



3x OCZ Vertex 2 60GB (RAID0)


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