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Cache Pool problem, self inflicted!

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Hello everybody, I hope your all well?


Well, I fired up the trusty Unraid server yesterday as I expect to be spending some time at home Self isolating, I’m going to be needing entertainment from Plex!!!!


Anyway, I updated the OS to the latest 6.8.3 and then had a quick look around inside the box. Unfortunately, without realising it I pulled the power supply plug off one of my SSD cache pool pair. After power up all seemed well until I tried to watch plex, it says it’s running but the clients say it’s offline, I can’t even get into Plex using its own WebGui at 32400. I then spotted the missing cach disk, powered down and reconnected it. After powering back up and reassigning the cach drive to the pool, Unraid is now threatening to erase everything on that disk if I attempt to start the array!!!!


From memory, all of my app data is on the cach pool disks, and I’m assuming that is why Plex is playing up? I also assumed I could lose one of the cach disk pair without causing this sort of problem. So, can anybody suggest the next safe step for me. Is there a way to bring the SSD back into the cache pool without having to wipe everything on it, or is this normal operating practice, and everything will be copied over from the other SSD in the pool.

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Hello. My cache pool comprises two 500Gb Samsung SSD’s in slot 1 and 2.

I started the array with SSD 1 cache drive unplugged and afterwards noticed that only cache SSD 2 was listed on the main Unraid page. Not sure if that means mounted?

After reconnecting (replugging) SSD 1 and turning on the system it showed cache drives slot one as “unassigned”. After reassigning SSD 1 to cache slot 1, it now warns me that if I start the array it will wipe SSD 1.

i briefly pressed the log button whilst the array was running and it showed “Cannot find Plex user xxxxx, so I’m assuming that means it cannot find the app data folder that from memory was on the cache pooled drives. Or am I barking up the wrong tree?

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5 hours ago, Jetjockey said:

I started the array with SSD 1 cache drive unplugged and afterwards noticed that only cache SSD 2 was listed on the main Unraid page. Not sure if that means mounted?

No, I would need to know if the pool mounted or not, i.e., if the data was available, if you don't know start the array with just the same cache device that started before and post new diags after that.

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