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[SOLVED]:Help: letsencrypt and TLD's

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First thanks for what ever help you can give. I have searched and cant seem to find the answer (well only overly complicated ones that gets muddied up from 1000 different posts and dont seem to exactly match what I'm doing)


Here is what I have and want to do, If it is the wrong way then please, educate me as i am somewhat new to this world of UNRAID.


What I have:

  • 2 Dell R720's
    • 1 unit runs UNRAID w/ letsencrypt from Linuxserver.IO
    • 1 unit runs ESXI with my IP Cam system and a TurnkeyLinux LAMP
  • Aruba S2500 Switch
  • EdgerouterX POE
  • Currently everything runs of the same network, nothing is VLAN'ed (although that is in the plan)


Currently I have letsencrypt set up as per one of Spaceinvader's tut's. It currently lets me access my IPcam system through a subdomain with out issue and i have the extra variable for extra domains entered.


What I cant figure out:

I cant seem to find a clear tut that describes how to get my TLD from the extra domains variable to work with my LAMP and visa versa. Is there a config template to use to place in the site-confs folder of nginx? I have roughly 5 domains for personal family sites I host that I would like to get back up and running through letsencrypt as well as learn more about it.


Can you help? Am i doing this the right way, is there a better way? is there a preferred way?

Note: I am not opposed to dumping turnkeylinux or re-configuring something, I am asking for help to not only learn but to do it properly.


Thank you. 



Edited by Keebler
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Hey everyone, thanks for the help. I was able to solve my problem thanks to the help over on the reddit page. Its disappointing that this got 40 views and not so much as a single "hey, you might look at this". After just an hour over there i got "hey, I cant solve your problem but look at this". So disappointing.

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