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[sabnzbd] - Super slow unpack. how to leverage SSD?

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I'm having a horrible experience with SABNZBD slow unpacking. Direct unpack is enabled, but it doesn't do it for some files. 

Right now everything is happening on non-cached folder on user0, I'm assuming it will speed up with utilizing SSD.

how should I go by doing this? I don't necessary want to move the entire folder to user as SSDs space will be eaten up by SABNZBD.


Should I just change the temp download folder  or completed download folder local to a folder under user?

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If sab is writing to the array instead of cache, that's most likely the source of the problem. Are you using sonarr/radarr too? If so, have sab set to download to cache, then sonarr/radarr will move the completed files to the array, keeping the cache clear.


If you're not using sonarr/radarr, is there any reason you can't clear the cache using Mover more often? for example, sab writes to cache, mover is invoked say, every 8 hours, then files are moved to the array.


would either of these work?

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