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Port Forwarding Broken w/ Docker Enabled

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Hey All,


I purchased unraid this month and have been loving it! It's been great with all of the community add-ons, VM ability, etc. I've been pushing to get my wife to start using nextcloud with me on this system along with BitWarden, and was about to start teaching her how to use it when I hit this big snag in the port forwarding to our NAS.


At first I thought it was an issue with my firewall, but now I'm realizing it's UnRaid itself.


Basically, I have NGINX setup to do a reverse proxy to different sub-domains for different services I have setup on the server. Starting a few days ago, I realized while out and about, I couldn't access anything from my phone. But while at home on the local network I had no problem. Port forwarding doesn't seem to be an issue, it's when WAN addresses need to be resolved by the NAS and sent back out to the WAN requester. If the web request is local, it resolves and there's no problem.


I've spent hours troubleshooting this. What I've come to discover is if I shut off all docker services and do a port forward to UnRaid's gui on port 80, everything works, I can see the gui from outside the network. As soon as I turn docker back on, it looses it's ability to resolve to outside requests. The strange one is I decided to set NGINX up on a separate virtual IP and forward to it, which works, but when it fetches data from any service residing on the NAS, it returns a 502 error.


If I have to, I guess I can set all the services up on their own IP, but this whole thing has been a perplexing headache!


Is this some kind of bridge gateway issue? Has anyone experienced this before?

Edited by Matthew Kent
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I figured it out, I have no idea why this worked.


I decided to leave docker on, but turn off all of my containers and start them up one at a time, each time testing my port forwards externally. For some reason my transmission vpn container causes my server to stop serving data to wan requests. My solution was to put set it up as a vrb0. Port forwarding is now restored to all of my services. I hope this helps someone out there.

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16 hours ago, Matthew Kent said:

I can see the gui from outside the network.

That's not recommended. Unraid's gui should be protected from general access, use a VPN if you need a WAN connection.


The other services you expose should be evaluated on a case by case basis. Unraid's gui is not yet ready to be exposed. That's the end goal, but we're not there yet.

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