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25 days for parity rebuild?

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Hello!, I've been using unRaid  from a few years ago and replaced two failed drives before, everithing went smoothly. A few days ago my parity drive failed, bought a replacement (4Tb seagate ironwolf), succesfully precleared it, and started the sync/rebuild... Now I've got an 25 days estimation till completion. I've searched "slow rebuild" in the forums, but all solutions seemed related to slow drives... How can identify if one of my drives is causing this extreme slowdown?. Should i try to stop and reboot the system? I don't know if that can be dangerous since the rebuild has started...


In previous rebuilds invested eight, sixteen hours on the worst case, but this is freaking me a little since my data is already unprotected...


The diagnostics are attached to this post, thank you in advance for any feedback and sorry for my horrible english

Sin título.png


Edited by ladlo
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Parity finished withouth error, lots of thanks for the help. Now doing a extended SMART Test and a few preclear rounds on a 3Tb drive to replace the Toshiba. All drives marked healthy on the dashboard though. Is that normal?, only asking in order to do SMART tests regularly if that screen is a simplification of the health state...


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