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10Gbe network issue

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I have three machines in my studio...


Machine 1 - Unraid server - Dual port Mellanox 10GBe SFP card


Machine 2 - Windows 10 Video Edit workstation - Dual port Mellanox 10GBe SFP card


Machine 3 - Windows 10 Video Edit Workstation - Dual port Mellanox 10GBe SFP card


Machines 1 and 2 are successfully linked, peer to peer via fiber. I have a projects drive mapped and performance is excellent. 


Can I now create a peer to peer connection on the remaining free ports to Machine 1 & 3 and subsequently Machines 2 & 3?


I have repeated my steps to map the projects share on the unraid to the new workstation (machine 3) but windows just times out searching for the drive. IP addresses are as follows (2nd number is 2nd port)....



Machine 1 - /

Machine 2 - /

Machine 2 - /


As far as I can tell all settings are correct. Can I not set up a 2nd peer to peer connection if I have dual port cards?


Any help would be massively appreciated. I am far from a networking expert but what I want to do seems quite logically possible in my head!

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25 minutes ago, misquoted said:

Can I not set up a 2nd peer to peer connection if I have dual port cards?

You can


25 minutes ago, misquoted said:

Machine 1 - /

Can't use same network/segment for both, e,g


machine 1 - /

machine2 connects to machine 1 with

machine3 connects to machine 1 with

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Okay, so let me see if I have this correct from your advice...


Secondary port in Machine 1 (unraid) should be


Secondary port in Machine 3 (new win10 workstation) should be


I should then be able to map the destination in win10 //



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I appreciate your help with this. Thank you.


Right,  seems I had my ports mixed a little. But I have had some success albeit creating another issue. I have decided to disconnect all cables and work on a single connection at a time. 


Machine 1 (Unraid) Port 1 ( CONNECTED TO Machine 3 (win10) Port 1 (  - all is working and projects drive is successfully mapped


I'd like to now get the same working for the second windows workstation


Machine 1 (Unraid) Port 2 ( CONNECTED TO Machine 2 (win10) Port 1 ( -  This fails to connect via a drive mapping


Any ideas what I am doing wrong?

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Well not sure what happened but in last ditch attempt I disabled and then re enabled the network adaptor and it has mapped! Now good with drives mapped on both windows machines. 


So finally to map the two windows machines to each other. Do I need to jump to a new IP segment?

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