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faster writes than reads?

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Just upgraded to latest v6. Got a new Gbit lan card off ebay because my onboard LAN wasn't getting downgrading to 100mb. Thanks to whoever recommended me that card, sorry forget the username rn.


Was very pleased to get around 30MBytes avg write speeds. But oddly, my read speed is about 1/2 that, at around 15MBytes/sec. I transferred the exact same 10GByte file, using Gb wired connection on my laptop to rule out any wireless interference that might occur during the transfers. The transfer speeds were pretty consistent, no wild swings in speeds, pretty flat graph throughout. I monitored CPU usage on the unraid server, pretty low, and certainly not higher during the reads.


I only have 2 drives, 1 parity, 1 data. No cache. My client is a windows 10 laptop, using a gbit ethernet.


Any ideas why my read is slower than write? Isn't it supposed to be much faster than writes?

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