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Weird problems..now missing disk although disk is there. Help

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I've been an unraid user for about 7 years and have not run into any problems until recently.  Seems every time I replace a drive something breaks.  This time I was replacing an old disk 6 6TB drive with a new disk 6 8tb drive.  Everything seemed fine, then a day later the new 8tb drive was showing as having some issues and array would go into read-only mode.  I ended having to run "reiserfsck --rebuild-tree" which took about 5 days but the drive returned to normal and the array started fine.  That lasted about 3 hours, and then my disk 7 10TB drives started  having a problem(I can't remember exact error) but it seemed like maybe it was a loose sata cable. I powered down server and tighten everything up.  I boot up and down a few times, never fully starting the array, but only in maintenance mode.  Now this 10 drive seems to be connected fine, but the array doesn't recognize it as part of the array anymore when I try and choose it for disk 7.   I'm also thinking that unraid isn't fully recognizing disk7 as missing although it says the contents are being emulated according to the tool tip.  I'm afraid to actually the start the array for hosing things up even more.   BTW I can mount my 10TB disk 7 drive using the unassigned plugin, and everything seems to be there. Thanks in advance for your guys help on this.







Edited by gustovier
added diagnostics zip
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