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Adding LSI 9207-8i to current build

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I'm new to Unraid and the server space in general, so apologies if these are basic questions lol. I currently have a pretty small server setup (only using for Plex storage/transcoding and Minecraft server hosting at the moment), I initially built it just to get a feel for how it all worked so I wasn't really planning for a ton of drives, but I'm looking for a way to just give myself the ability to expand in the future. Here's my current build:


Unraid Ver: 6.8.2

Mobo: Asus Prime B450M-A

CPU: Ryzen 7 1800X

RAM: G.Skill 16gb (2x8) 3200Mhz

SATA: 1x8tb Ironwolf (parity), 2x8tb Ironwolf (storage), 1 Asus BD drive

M.2: 1tb Intel 660p (cache)


I'm at the limit of my mobo SATA ports since 2 get disabled if I'm using an M.2, so I was wondering if it would be possible to remove the 3 HDDs that I have, add in something like the LSI 9207-8i, and reconnect my drives to that. Would it mess with the way Unraid reads the drives if I've already configured shares and started using them if I add in an HBA after the fact, or is this fine to do? I'm looking to add a 4th HDD soon, so I'm just trying to figure out the best way get everything set up so that I can do that and also have room for a few more drives in the future. I personally can't see myself needing more than 8 drives anytime in the foreseeable future so I figured the 9207-8i would be a decent option, I'm just wondering if something like this would be plug and play or if it would take a lot of reconfiguring to get it to work. Appreciate any guidance or assistance on the subject, thanks!

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