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not new WD 20ears drive jumper or not?


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I've read that its is strongly recommend to place a jumper on WD 20 ears drives (new ones)

i 've done this with my 2 new drives (one is data1 now, second is about to be the parity drive)


I'm currently copying from a third wd 20ears drive which is full of data, to the data1

after that i want to add that drive to the array as data 2

the drive has currently 2 partitions ext2/3

so what should i do?

i think about this:

- remove the partition (its mounted in my vista machine right  now, remove it there)

- format the drive as fat32?

- move the hardware to the server, and put a jumper on 7-8? (or not?, cause i sometimes read id better not once its used)

- preclear the drive

- add to the array

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