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Advice about a disk that may be bad (SOLVED)

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I recently just build my first unraid server for Plex and could use some advice about a disk that is probably bad and some other weird disk behavior.


I have four 4TB disks and two 6TB disks, one of which is for parity, all connected via SAS.

I just lost power and after rebooting from the unclean shutdown Unraid tells me one of my disks is disabled. This same disk gave me about 13,000 read errors during my first two parity checks but the number stayed the same between the two parity checks. 

All of the 4tb drives have SMART errors in Unraid but when I try to read the logs I can't make heads or tails of what the errors actually are.

I also have a weird issue with the 6tb drives where they always show as being spun-down. Like when I try to run a SMART test on one of them the button is greyed out and Unraid tells me I need to spin up the disks but when I hit the button nothing changes. I can however download a SMART report for the disks and they have the little green dot on the main page of Unraid.

The 6tb disks had to have the 3.3v removed to get them to show up in Unraid so I did that by using a SATA power cable splitter and just removing the 3.3v cable from the splitter. I'm not sure if that has any influence on the weird spin-down issue. 

I see that there are many possibilities like bad SAS cables, bad SATA power, insufficient PSU power, bad RAM that could cause something like this so I'm hoping that someone who can decipher the diagnostics might be able to give me some insight on any of the following:
the disabled disk and if it needs to be replaced
the SMART errors on all the 4tb drives
why the 6tb drives appear to be spun-down to Unraid

Any help would be greatly appreciated and thank you for rerading!


Edited by da_banhammer
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What SMART errors? Note that Unraid SMART reports/tests doesn't work so great with SAS devices, they all look good to me, "Elements in grown defect list" is 0, but you can always run a long test on all, though a parity check accomplishes basically the same since it reads all sectors.

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Ah gotcha. That'a a relief, I thought I might have bought a batch of lemons. 
Thanks a ton for your help!

Upon doing more research I think I may have figured out why my 6tb disks have that spin-up issue. The disks are Seagate ST6000NM0074 6TB 7.2k 12Gb/s which are 4kn drives. My HBA is a LSI 9201-8i with an SAS2008 chipset which doesn't seem to support 4kn. 

What's really confusing me about that though is that the drives seem to work fine otherwise. One is for parity which appears to be working and the other is in the array for data.
The array hasn't written any data to the drive yet so it's empty but I was able to create a test share that only used that one drive and was able to copy some text files and a movie onto the drive/share and they seemed to work just fine. Unraid says it has a logical block size of 

4096 bytes so I guess it's recognized correctly as a 4kn drive. My cache disk is almost full so I'm gonna run mover now to see if it moves any data onto that 6tb drive by itself. 

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Oh cool in that case I'm gonna buy another of those 6tb drives to replace the busted 4tb one.
I didn't think of the ancient LSI firmware, good idea to update that. I'll get that done once I've got my new disk installed. 

Thank you so much for all your help today, it is very much appreciated. I'll go ahead and marked this as solved. Thanks again and have a great day!

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