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[SOLVED] ata22 Hard Resetting Link

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I'm getting a log error exactly once every hour about ata22 "hard resetting link". I believe that this error is causing all of my docker web interfaces to run extremely slowly. I've seen posts that this could be power or sata power cable related, so I I tried re-seating all of my cables and I'm still getting the error. Is there any way to figure out which disk ata22 is referring to? Diagnostics attached.




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Would you mind walking me through how you found out they were Marvell related virtual devices? Just trying to learn.


Do you think it will it throw these errors if I connect my blu-ray drive to the Marvell controller? I'm using only my motherboard's onboard SATA ports at the moment. I've got 8 ports and 7 devices:

4 Data hard drives

1 Parity hard drive

1 Cache SSD

1 Blu-Ray reader/writer


The Marvell controller controls 2 of the ports, so I can leave one empty and hook up the disk drive to it if that would stop the errors.



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5 minutes ago, Ccheese4 said:

Would you mind walking me through how you found out they were Marvell related virtual devices? Just trying to learn.

[14:0:0:0]   process Marvell  91xx Config      1.01  -          /dev/sg8 
  state=running queue_depth=1 scsi_level=6 type=3 device_blocked=0 timeout=30
  dir: /sys/bus/scsi/devices/14:0:0:0  [/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.6/0000:0c:00.0/ata14/host14/target14:0:0/14:0:0:0]
[22:0:0:0]   process Marvell  91xx Config      1.01  -          /dev/sg9 
  state=running queue_depth=1 scsi_level=6 type=3 device_blocked=0 timeout=30
  dir: /sys/bus/scsi/devices/22:0:0:0  [/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.7/0000:0d:00.0/ata22/host22/target22:0:0/22:0:0:0]


6 minutes ago, Ccheese4 said:

I'm using only my motherboard's onboard SATA ports at the moment. I've got 8 ports and 7 devices:

In that case some of those ports are from a Marvell controller, since the SSD is currently using one.

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Thanks johnnie.black! I shifted all my drives to the non-Marvell controller and everything is working great. My dockers are no longer hanging on their web guis. I had to completely disable the Marvell controller in the bios to get the error to go away, but that's no problem. I'll just have to get a HBA card when I want to hook up my blu ray drive again. Thanks again!

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  • JorgeB changed the title to [SOLVED] ata22 Hard Resetting Link

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