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[SOLVED] Shares dissapeared

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Just ran into this issue where all of my shares no longer show up or are mounted. I can still see the data on the array and cache drive however. This seemed to have happened over night. Last night things were working fine but this morning I noticed the issue when attempting to update a few dockers. I've attached the diagnostics.


I know every night have have mover configured to run. Yesterday I noticed that my cache drive was getting large, mainly due to my plex data so I modified my appdata share to no longer prefer the cache drive and manually moved the plex folder to a copy of the appdata share on the array. I'm not sure if that specific task is what started this or not,  but it was the most recent change I made.


Edited by ngsilver
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Thanks. While waiting on the post to be approved I dug through the logs and saw the error. I went ahead and installed the tweaks plugin and made the suggested settings tweaks there as well to hopefully stop this from potentially happening again. Reboot did resolve the issue and everything looks up and good now.


Can't wait for my new server chassis to come in so I can start migrating over to it, expanding the ram, and expanding the cache drives. Thank you stimulus check!

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  • JorgeB changed the title to [SOLVED] Shares dissapeared

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