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General Docker Question: Remote Paths?

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Posted (edited)

I'll try to clarify my stupid question.  This question is more generic to all dockers, rather than specific, but I will give an example. I've been using sonarr and sabnzbd for a while.  I'm slowly moving over to unraid dockers for these.  I have everything working if I set up sonarr on the same installation that has the media database. I was looking at moving the sonarr docker over to a difference installation, that wouldn't have the media database on the same unraid installation.


Question, how would I set up the remote path in Sonarr settings (specifically the /media path) or in the docker template settings in order to see a remote folder?


If I try something as simple as \\Tower\TV or \\192.168.xxx.yyy\TV, it gives an invalid folder response





Edited by mikesp18

To add a remote folder, the easiest thing to do is mount the remote folder with the Unassigned Devices Plugin.


Then in the template add another path mapping of something like /remoteMedia mapped to /mnt/disks/whateverPathUDgaveYou with an access mode of Read/Write:Slave


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