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Abrupt crashes after ~24 hours

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Tldr: system seems to abruptly crash around every 24 ish hours.



This started happening a few weeks before quarantine, I let it happen a couple times before I left it off until a couple days ago when I moved its location and have time and ability to actively work on it.

It seems to happen around 24 hours, I think its lasted up to 48 ish before. It becomes unreachable  via the web interface and also locally. This latest time it actually managed to reboot, so it may be different this time? The only major difference to me was I was running tailing syslog locally, but I don't know how that would make it reboot instead of just crash or hang or whatever it does.


Did a memory test which showed no problems.

replaced two hard drives since issues started since one of the two had started making loud clicking noises and since they were both sourced from the same place at the same tike some years ago, and I needed more space anyways (and hit the limit for sata expansion) I swapped them for 2 different drives from 2 different places. 




Ryzen 7 1700x,

Gigabyte B450 AORUS M

32 GB Ram



Unraid 6.8.3


Community Applications

Fix Common Problems

Dynamix System Statistics/Ssd Trim



Well I had a bunch, but after the latest crash, all but Sonarr are now orphan images, but the other ones:

Jacket, plex, ombi, radar, duckdns, rtorrent, deluge, mariadb.


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9 hours ago, johnnie.black said:

Ah yes forgot to mention, the server was acting perfectly for around a year or so with these specs, also I did try updating the bios to the most recent version which had no effect, the ram is running at whatever is default, I'll go look through the bios for that other setting and also adjust the ram if need be.

Edit: also Fix Common Problems put out a new error:

Your server has detected hardware errors. You should install mcelog via the NerdPack plugin, post your diagnostics and ask for assistance on the unRaid forums. The output of mcelog (if installed) has been logged.



I've went ahead and installed it and if adjusting the bios settings doesn't fix anything I'll post the new logs


Edit 2:

Ram speed was below recommended max, 2 sticks at 2133 mhz, I've switched the power supply idle to typical

Edited by Server1Alpha
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