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very slow parity check under 1Mb

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hello all I have been trying to run a parity check for a few days now I used to get pretty fast speeds during the check 100-110 Mbs.

but now its under 1 Mb. this problem started after I tried to add a cache disk and pre-clearing failed. I have since removed the SSD and decided I better do a parity check to make sure everything is good before trying to re add the SSD. I have ran a short smart test on all the disk in the array and it came back with no errors.


I have attached the syslog I downloaded during the parity check. I see errors but Im not sure what they mean



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Looks like you have probably disturbed disk connections when mucking about in the case.


Also, you shouldn't preclear SSDs.


Shutdown, check all connections, power and SATA, both ends, including any power splitters. Try again. If you still have problems post diagnostics instead of syslog. Diagnostics contains syslog, SMART for all attached disks, and many other things that give us a lot more information about your configuration and problems. Diagnostics are what we always prefer. Tools - Diagnostics, attach complete ZIP.

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SMART for that disk doesn't show any bad attributes, but it says the last extended SMART test was a long time ago. Run the extended test.


Might be a good time to upsize it anyway, it's small and getting old. But of course you need valid parity to rebuild to a replacement. Did your last successful parity check have zero sync errors?

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after reading through the logs my self and seeing all the errors were specifically just on that disk I decided to replace it and yes it was small and very ol so I put a new 4 TB in there its preclearing now.


parity was valid last successful check was only 2 weeks ago so rebuild shouldn't be an issue. fingers crossed thank you for the help

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