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Upgraded hardware now running slow

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So I have been banging my head for 2 weeks now and losing my mind. 


I upgraded my hardware from an AMF FX chip to an Intel i9. From 32gb ram to 64gb ram. From 512gb cache to 1tb. All drived and everything else the same. No VMs only dockers and no new dockers were added. And yet my system seems to be running like shit. 


If I get more than a few dockers running things seem to run really slow. An my write speeds are really slow compared to before. 


Where do I start to try and track the issue down. Or is the a kernel issue because I have newer hardware?  Just at a total loss. 


Please help and thanks for helping. 


- Albert


First, you need to post up your Diagnostics.    Tools   >>>   Diagnostics    Do this in a new post so that thread indicates activity.


Second, Did you make memory assignments or CPU assignments in the AMD system?  Did you redo them?


Third, at the command line, run    htop   and see what the CPU utilization looks like and what processes or Docker are hogging your processor.



1) Here is the file requested.

2) No assignments on old system nor new, however I did make cpu assignments because of a sujestion another user mention it might help. (it did not)

     From the looks of it I assigned cores to dockers, but the dockers are still using whatever cores it wants? I believe my issue comes from tdarr, so i tried using cpu pinning but same issue, shutdown tdarr and things seem to improve.


3) htop takes forever to load once dockers are running



Added screenshot of Dashboard



Here is my docker CPU pinning




Are there any settings I should look at and change?


Thanks for your help.

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