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On the MAIN tab, Array devices section:

Can the Parity drives be moved so they show up AFTER the drives (but before the “total” ARRAY OF x DEVICES)? (Either make this a default or maybe make it a user choice on what order things are listed?)


When I GLANCE at the screen, I see DISK 2 is the THIRD line – then I look along the right edge and glance at the USED/FREE indicators and I look for the THIRD entry, but I really want the SECOND entry. Yea, yea, I know – if I were to follow the shading across I’d look at the correct USED/FREE bars, but for some reason my mind doesn’t do this when I do a quick glance. If they were re-arranged in this sequence:

disk 1

disk 2

disk x


(parity 2)


In this setup, third drive in the list on the left would be the third USED/FREE bar on the right.  In addition, there would be a “natural” break in the USED/FREE bars for the drives and for the total.  I know this is minor (and kinda nit-picky/personal), but it would (in my mind) make the screen more intuitive. And I think others may also find this easier to view.


(It would also help if the alternating shading was less subtle. The white/almost_white and the black/almost_black just isn’t enough of a difference to my eyes.)

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