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Stripping back to stock to start from scratch?

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I set up my UNRAID server a few years ago, and came to the realization that while my version is current (4.6) all my scripts are obsolete.

Is there a way I can revert back to a stock installation and delete all my addons without destroying my array? I have an old UNMENU installation (1.1 maybe?) and at this point I dont even remember which files are addons and which are stock. Is it possible to just start with a new installation with current key and things will be kosher?

I feel like that would be a good idea to clear out old and busted scripts and update to the new hotness.


I provided my go script here: http://pastebin.com/hRYGPL0R

and my folder contents here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/519591/UNRAID.JPG


Ideally I'd like to start over so I can start doing more with the server (sickbeard, SABNZBD) so I am assuming that its easiest to go back to original.


Disagree? Terrible idea? Lay it on me. :)


EDIT: actually, would it be ok to just trash everything but whats in the latest release zip, or does it generate files on its first launch?




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I set up my UNRAID server a few years ago, and came to the realization that while my version is current (4.6) all my scripts are obsolete.

Is there a way I can revert back to a stock installation and delete all my addons without destroying my array? I have an old UNMENU installation (1.1 maybe?) and at this point I dont even remember which files are addons and which are stock. Is it possible to just start with a new installation with current key and things will be kosher?

I feel like that would be a good idea to clear out old and busted scripts and update to the new hotness.


I provided my go script here: http://pastebin.com/hRYGPL0R

and my folder contents here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/519591/UNRAID.JPG


Ideally I'd like to start over so I can start doing more with the server (sickbeard, SABNZBD) so I am assuming that its easiest to go back to original.


Disagree? Terrible idea? Lay it on me. :)


EDIT: actually, would it be ok to just trash everything but whats in the latest release zip, or does it generate files on its first launch?

It does generate files.


If you have a licensed version, you'll want to save the ".key" file too and everything in the "config" folder.

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I set up my UNRAID server a few years ago, and came to the realization that while my version is current (4.6) all my scripts are obsolete.

Is there a way I can revert back to a stock installation and delete all my addons without destroying my array? I have an old UNMENU installation (1.1 maybe?) and at this point I dont even remember which files are addons and which are stock. Is it possible to just start with a new installation with current key and things will be kosher?

I feel like that would be a good idea to clear out old and busted scripts and update to the new hotness.


I provided my go script here: http://pastebin.com/hRYGPL0R

and my folder contents here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/519591/UNRAID.JPG


Ideally I'd like to start over so I can start doing more with the server (sickbeard, SABNZBD) so I am assuming that its easiest to go back to original.


Disagree? Terrible idea? Lay it on me. :)


EDIT: actually, would it be ok to just trash everything but whats in the latest release zip, or does it generate files on its first launch?

I loooked at your current "go" script.  The only lines out of date are:


crontab -l >/tmp/crontab

grep -q "/root/mdcmd check" /tmp/crontab 1>/dev/null 2>&1

if [ "$?" = "1" ]


    echo "# check parity on the first of every month at midnight:" >>/tmp/crontab

    echo "0 0 1 * * /root/mdcmd check 1>/dev/null 2>&1" >>/tmp/crontab

    crontab /tmp/crontab



and also the very last line.  It is no longer needed in newer versions of unRAID.  (It is not doing any harm, it is just not needed since unRAID sets the read-ahead buffer to 1024 itself)


Actually, the lines are not wrong, but there is an unMENU package that does exactly the same thing so it does not need to be in the "go" script and more.  The uMENU package will do exactly the same once you update it. 


No improvements or changes have been made to anything else in your "go" script except for the unraid_notify script  It is on version 2.55 and you are installing version 2.30.  There are alternatives to the "unraid_notify" script these days in unMENU's package manager, but they do basically the same thing, they just install a different program to send the mail.


I think you could just download the newer version from this thread:


and then change the one line in the "go" script to install it rather than the 2.30 version file you are installing.


Most of the files in your "packages" directory are not needed or will be replaced with newer versions automatically when you install the newer unMENU version. There is only one exception.


Therefore, you can remove all the files in /boot/packages except the one needed by unraid_notify (the socat- file is the only one you need to leave)


Other than that, download the new unmenu_install from here to your PC:


unzip it.  Put the single


program in your /boot/unmenu folder.


Then log in and type

cd /boot/unmenu

unmenu_install -u -d /boot/unmenu


To start the new version running, type:

killall awk



Joe L.

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Wow, this is awesome help, thank you Joe!


I removed the unraid_notify along with that job to check parity monthly since both seemed to have stopped working (probably because I never updated them. I ended up just installing UNMENU and it looks like there are options for both in there, so great.

Revised GO config here: http://pastebin.com/wxZct4RK


I ended up installing hdparm, Monthly parity check and I need to look into the email systems so I can send myself an email through gmail if there's a problem.


I had a question, I noticed theres a SQL package in there. Could I use that in conjunction with this?


Should it technically match up in terms of instructions post windows installation?


Next steps, figure out SQL, SABNZBD and sickbeard. :)


Thank you again!


EDIT: found this thread, hopefully its not too hard, I'll dabble in it later.


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