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Max drives supported

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trying to verify since the only post i found was from 2016/2017. What is the maximum supported number of hard drives? I have a repurposed datto that has 37 drives, 36 4TB drives and 1 136 ssd. When running the download, i can only add 2 parity drives, 1 cache and 28 pool. leaving out 6 drives. is that a limit of trail or a limit of UNRAID?


the question stems from what is said vs what is sold. the pro version says unlimited but in the requirements it lists limits of 30 drives, 2 parity 28 drives (and a cache that apparently doesn't count).





Edited by nightshadow
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The cache pool can contain multiple drives in any valid BTRFS RAID configuration, it defaults to RAID1.


The newest beta as of this writing can have multiple cache pools, each with their own BTRFS RAID level if you wish.


The parity array is limited to 2 parity and 28 data members.


The overall drive limits are as stated, unlimited for Pro, 12 for Plus, 6 for Basic. License drive limits are for whether or not the array will start with that number of attached storage devices, not how many are assigned to any specific function.

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3 minutes ago, jonathanm said:

The cache pool can contain multiple drives in any valid BTRFS RAID configuration, it defaults to RAID1.


The newest beta as of this writing can have multiple cache pools, each with their own BTRFS RAID level if you wish.


The parity array is limited to 2 parity and 28 data members.


The overall drive limits are as stated, unlimited for Pro, 12 for Plus, 6 for Basic. License drive limits are for whether or not the array will start with that number of attached storage devices, not how many are assigned to any specific function.

Break that down for the uneducated (me). So if I run 2 cache pools with 2 parity and 16 data members each i can utilize the full 36 disks? (Don't forget the single cache disk). 


You state the "unlimited" pro license but from what i can see in trial it's limited to 30 drives... which you call out with the parity limitation. 



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The parity array is the Unraid "special sauce" and currently you can only have one of those, limited to 2 parity and 28 data.


The cache pool(s) are normal BTRFS RAID volumes, you can have 1 with up to 24 drives in the release version 6.8.3, you can have multiple pools in the 6.9 beta 25 version, I'm not sure what the drive limits are there, nobody I've seen has hit a limit.


Drives not assigned to either the main parity array or cache pool(s) can be used in other ways, writing directly to them or passing them through to virtual machines.


Unlimited means no limit on attached drives regardless of use, not unlimited drives in any specific function, like each cache pool or the main parity array.

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