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has anyone successfully turned Unraid in Jukebox using onboard Soundcard

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i curious what people have done  to get audio to work on unraid..

i trying to  make unraid a Jukebox style   so docker  would play music or a live audio stream  go out the onboard soundcard..

now i have tried  airsonic, and 1 of 3 airsonic dockers works the other 2 cant even install from Community apps... but i  set to jukebox  supposed to go out the Audio device of the Server.... doesnt work  plays in the browser...


i wnted something like MPD   player/client  i have a mpd player on a raspberry pi   and i can turn it on and off through my cell phone..  

is there no docker  that does the same??  

or do you have to go through a VM  running windows and setup..


if anyone has done similar  maybe you can share your trials and errors  and what you got to work if you ever did


also i used a USB soundcard and a VM  to goto a website   but thats a pain  was hoping like a playlist through an app... so doesnt really have to be  Onboard soundcard but could use the USB soundcard


Edited by comet424
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  • 3 months later...

ya i never found an answer i tried..  in the end  what i did was  as i only really listen to talk radio station 

run VM of ubuntu  and had to get a USB audio card.. as the onboard is guess disabled or didnt work in the VMs i couldnt pass it

and then play a Website i listen to talk radio


and then i had second setup  to get the MPD to work was use a raspberry Pi..   i wanted it just in Docker  of unraid  since its included  but i couldnt   so had to go the usb card and ubuntu route..  its not the way i wanted but works for now.. unless i can run jukebox server on ubuntu  which i actually never tried  i should try that 

not sure how to run it i so used to just dockers and it works lol

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