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Parity Disk Failure, Missing files


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So late last night as I was wrapping up to go to bed, I had a parity disk failure. This is a single parity disk setup (stock wasn't there at the time of the original purchase to get the 2nd parity, figured I'd wait a while and get a different batch to offset the parities anyway). Fortunately, I still have enough head room on the array to salvage one of the data disks and turn it into a parity disk. I followed the wiki in regards to replacing smaller disks with a single larger, as I was essentially doing a similar pattern, although disk sizes aren't changing, and the rsync'd target disk already exists and will remain. 


I rsync'd disk4 over to disk3, to turn disk4 into the new parity disk.

rsync -avX /mnt/disk4 /mnt/disk3

At the end of that, I ran it again just to ensure nothing was left behind.


I checked the Main tab and noticed disk3's used space had effectively grown by the same amount of data that was on disk4. So, being late at night, and trusting rsync, I went forward with stopping the array, building a new config, and moving disk4 over to parity and started the array again to get parity building rolling for the next day. This ended up putting me to bed around 4:30AM. 


Come to this morning, I get up, get work started, and start checking the status of parity. I then start to browse back over my data and notice all the files that were copied over to disk3 via rsync, are not showing up or accessible, yet disk3 is still showing that used disk space. The original files that were on disk3 are still there and accessible, just the rsync'd data from disk4 is missing.


Is there something I did wrong or out of order here? Am I screwed and have phantom used space? Is there some way to have unraid pickup the copied data assuming it did copy successfully since rsync was showing it did?

Edited by jslay
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19 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

Your missed the trailing slash, look for a disk4 folder on disk3.

Facepalm. Thanks, sure enough.


Any safe way to move this other than?


rsync -avX /mnt/disk3/disk4/ /mnt/disk3


Edited by jslay
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