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I needed Unraid to be compatible with Synology Rsync Backup. Looks like there is no plugin to do this. This is ESSENTIAL for me to buy an Unraid licence.


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Hi, I am halfway through my 30 day trial with Unraid and I really like it. I have added a lot of functionality to it bit there is one glaring issue. The MAKE OR BREAK reason to use it was for it to be the backup destination for my Synology systems. I have FIVE Synology boxes, and need a place to back them up to. The Synology backup has some proprietary methods which I don't use (hyperbackup). However I do use it's Rsync option. From and from what I have read on the forums there is a way to hack it in, but you need some passing knowledge of Linux which I don't have. Is there any solution to this? I am at the point of decision and spending $$$ to purchase Unraid, but if I can't do this then I am moving on and looking into other options. Sadly it looks like no one has made an app for this yet but I believe there must be many current or former synology users that are very interested in this option. Thank you.

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You'll typically want to consider using an unRaid plugin or more likely docker app to accomplish this in a way that's not as linux-tech required -- to enable lots of options for things like this - such as Syncthing in the example above which sounds like might be a fit for you.   If you haven't noticed yet, there's a plugin "community applications" that suddenly gives you access to App Store for dockers and plugins (also shows how awesome the UnRaid community is as almost all plugins and UnRaid specific dockers are from community members :).   


Without knowing the exact use case or amt of data you're talking about or how complex of an UnRaid server you're contemplating, I might suggest that you could choose to have your clone drive outside the unraid array (but inside UnRaid Server) as well (as per the unassigned drives plugin), meaning you could export data locally from Synology to the new drives (IE E-sata), add those drive(s) to unRaid server as unassigned devices, and then have UnRaid host them as shared drives and then of course set up a sync or backup to that drive from Synology.  Or (of course) you could use Unraid array drives and make a share for this backup purpose and have the advantage of parity / protection, etc.  The reason to mention is that UnRaid isn't designed ...yet :) to be a super-fast storage target for large backups like ZFS etc. that are more purely designed for that type of role, so backup direct from Synology to UnRaid via gigabit LAN would take a LONG time, which of course may be fine for your use case, was just presuming this is a very large amt of data that you're speaking of.   Or, I think what also may be common is to locally copy over data to a drive, insert into UnRaid as Unassigned Drive, then just copy that onto the array and you bypass beating up your LAN for days... 


And finally, I'd be committing a crime if I didn't tell you as a non-advanced linux user / noob to UnRaid that you should check out SpaceInvader One's youtube channel, chock full of unraid how to videos that are step by step, making even the "hacking" easy.


I should add (as the link above notes) that Syncthing might grind pretty hard at your little Synology CPU, so there certainly are more "sophisticated" options like Duplicacy or some drive cloning / backup options like that that you might consider - those could also offer compression, encryption (if desired), alerts for errors / failures, etc.  It's just that Syncthing is really easy for us novices to configure, and has some cool features for this sort of use case.    


I'm guessing you'd find this post interesting too about going UNRaid server to server at disparate locations with Rsync and Wireguard (super simple VPN)



PS editing to also add (since you mentioned $$$) you might consider looking at the UnRaid buy/sell/trade link, since new prices are so inflated right now and backorders so common.   I'm getting ready to list a dual Xeon server that fits in ATX sized case and is darn near silent for example...   https://forums.unraid.net/forum/36-buy-sell-trade/


Edited by jsdoc
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