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Accessing VM when connected to unraid via hostname

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  I am new to UnRAID and still trying to leverage as much as I can from this wonderful product.  I have encountered an issue with the VMs and need a little guidance.  I have configured Nginx Proxy Manager docker on my UnRAID server.  This allows me to connect to the server using a hostname such as unraid.mydomain.net. The UnRAID hostname is configured in nginx to connect to UnRAID via ip address of I am able to access UnRAID just fine using the hostname I configured.  However, when I try to connect to any of my VMs, it will not connect.  If I log back into UnRAID using only an IP address, I can connect to the VMs.  


Is this a bug or is it working by design.  Or am I missing something in the configuration?


Thank you!

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I'm dodging the question, but for a reason. You typically want to interact with your VM's using remote access software hosted inside the VM such as RDP or nomachine, and only use Unraid's VNC access for basic management tasks to the VM's that can't use the aforementioned remote access.


Your experience with VM's will be much smoother.


BTW, I'm not sure from your wording, but NEVER expose Unraid itself directly to the internet. Any WAN access to Unraid's GUI or SSH should be done through a VPN, wireguard is built in and just needs to be set up.


If what I'm saying is unclear to you, PLEASE search the forum and ask rather than assume. Allowing general internet access to your Unraid server management will most likely cause crashes, and possibly worse.

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