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Seagate 750 pata under $60 at BB!!!


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Check your local Best Buy. Many of them are clearing out the seagate 750 gig pata drives for less than 60 bucks apiece! I saw a thread on this on Anadtech and checked two of my local BBs yesterday one had a bunch of them for 170, the other had two left, but still at the original price of around 270. Went back to the one with a bunch of them this morning and the sales clerk who did the price check had to call her boss over to verify the 55.99 price. I was afraid I was going to have to argue with them to give me the price, but after he rechecked it I walked out with three. Now I will have a 1.5 tb unraid basic array with the ability to upgrade beyond when the need arises just by purchasing a license key and putting my old 400 gig drives back in.

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