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[GUIDE] Installing UnRaid (ver. 6.83) on ProxMox (ver. 6.2-4)

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Just so people know I got this working, with a monitoring bash file I found on this forum will have to find and book mark it.  
It writes out to a file,  then mounted that file in a nfs share and basically cat and echoed it back into proxmox

Used a cronjob for it like the below it runs every minute.


command_to_run="ls -l $dir"

while true; do
    if mountpoint -q $dir; then
        echo "NFS directory is already mounted. Running command..."
        # Replace the following line with the command you want to run when the NFS directory is mounted
        cat /mnt/PWM/pwm > /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon3/pwm1
        echo "NFS directory is not mounted. Attempting to mount..."
        mount $nfs_server $dir
        if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
            echo "NFS directory successfully mounted. Running command..."
            # Replace the following line with the command you want to run when the NFS directory is mounted
            cat /mnt/PWM/pwm > /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon3/pwm1
            echo "Mount failed. Waiting for 30 seconds..."
            sleep 30
Asked chapgpt to write that for me.  I'm ok at reading scripting never been good at writing it.

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21 hours ago, empty-handed-topping2304 said:

Looking for some help and not sure if its even possible.

I have a jonsbo n3 and just installed some pwm fans and replaced the jonsbo 3 pins ones with Artic 4 pin pwm fans.

My morherboard is the Asus Prime n100 it has 1 pwn connector, I bought an adapter so I could connect 3 fans to this 1 port.

I had'nt thought this fully through.

Unraid cannot see the pwm sensor and Proxmox cannot see the disks as the sata adapter is passed through to unraid.

I want to control the speed of the fans based on the temperature of the drives.

Is there anyway of passing the pwm sensor from proxmox into unraid.  Failing that pass the temperature back into proxmox to control the fans from there.

Server runs headless so havent had a chance to look at bios options yet.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

This question doesn't fit this thread. I would suggest you start a new thread, so the right people may see it.

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  • 6 months later...

@jbat66 thanks for the guide.


I’m curious why you suggest to not pass thru the hard drives directly and to instead create only large virtual drive. Would that not defeat the whole purpose of using of using unraid and its raid features?


You mentioned a performance hit but how bad is it really? If one of my drives gives out within this large virtual drive you have suggested to use, would that data not just be lost?


I’ve personally never used unraid but have decided to use it instead of truenas because I want to use a number of mixed sized drives which I understand can’t be done with truenas.


Thanks for your time.

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