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  • After saving a file and involving MOVER on a ZFS pool, the file is saved to the ARRAY as Read ONLY. It should be R/W full privileges.

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    I’ve been running 12.RC5 and now 12.RC6 as upgraded from 11.5 and I’m experiencing a problem with Mover.  For 11.5 I had been running a dedicated mover_cache using a single SSD formatted as XFS.  With the move to 12.RC5 I decided to reformat the mover_cache as ZFS.  I also reformatted my array drives from XFS to ZFS.  Now using 12.RC5/12.RC6 when I save a file, such as an Excel Spreadheet, it is appropriately saved on the ZFS formatted pool mover_cache. When I invoke Mover, the file is then moved to the appropriate share on the ZFS Array Drive as it should. No change in behavior from 11.5 using all XFS drives.  However if I try to open the file after it has been moved to the Array ZFS drive it is now seen as Read Only.  If I open it while it is on the SSD ZFS mover_cache I can open it without issue, full r/w privileges.  Things that work most of the time, at least as temporary fixes, are Stop/Start the array, or reformat the mover_cache as ZFS or XFS,  or Reboot the server, then the file can be opened with full r/w privileges.  Using an XFS SSD mover_cache is a permanent fix, but not relevant.  In this configuration, there is no issue but it kind of defeats my hope of mirroring the cache drives in the future.  


    The only other change  I made was to increase the memory available to the ZFS filesystem from 1/8 to ¼.  I have 32G of ECC ram and it mostly goes unused so I thought doubling the ZFS ram might be beneficial.  Attached is the DIAGNOSTIC immediately after a save that and MOVE resulting in the file being READ ONLY.


    My client machine is running MacOS 12.6.5.  On Unraid, I have tried toggling the SMB MacOS enhancement, auto trim and compression on the mover_cache and ARRAY but it doesn't seem to matter. 

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    the Share name is /Users and the full path to save to is /Users/john/Documentsalias/Retirement Planning/  


    Also, I tried removing the 'space" in Retirement Planning (Retirement_Planning), but that didn't seem to make difference.


    Edited by jsiemon
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    Still cannot reproduce, same settings as your share, though I'm using Windows since don't have Macs, I assume you are transferring over SMB, since NFS is also enabled?

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    Yes.  All SMB.  What is very puzzling is that as long as I'm using XFS formatted SSD for mover_cache, I can save and move MS Office files repeatedly without any issues.  I tried looking at the TrueNAS/FreeNAS forums to see if I can find any clues, and there are allusions to SMB attributes and MacOS with ZFS NAS creating issues.  Especially MS Office. But I could find nothing definitive.  


    Edited by jsiemon
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    After upgrading to RC7 I was initially hopeful that this issue was resolved.  However after using RC7 for the past couple of days, the issue persists and I have once again reverted back to XFS for the cache pools while the array remains ZFS.  No issues with this configuration.

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    Like mentioned cannot reproduce, any chance you could borrow a PC to try and see if the issue is Mac related?

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    As you suggested I tried using a PC and I was unable to reproduce the issue, just as you had found.  So that seems to confirm that it is MacOS-only issue, which got me to thinking.  I had openZFS installed on the Mac, but not on the Windows 10 PC.  Not sure why that would matter but on a hunch I uninstalled openZFS from the Mac.  Since doing so, I have not been able to reproduce the issue on the Mac.  It's only been a few hours, but I have tried hard recreate the issue without success.  However, I've been down this road before, only to have the issue revert.  I will continue to test but so far it seems to be working, and I think we have confirmed it is a Mac only issue so that narrows the focus.  

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    This seems to have been resolved with rc7-8, and the final release, but I'm still not entirely sure of the root cause.  Nevertheless we can close this for now.

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