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  • Upgrade to RC2 leads to massive CPU usage increase in Docker

    • Closed Minor

    I've been troubleshooting an issue with transfer speeds on my servers, and one of the steps was to try and upgrade my main server NODE, to RC2 to match VOID.


    After doing so, I've noticed my CPU (Intel i7-4770) is way busier than it was on 6.8.3. 


    On 6.8.3, my plex docker could support 8-10 streams. On RC2, my Plex server is choking to death trying to transcode a single episode while I'm the only person online. I get stuttering/buffering and the transcoder is only reporting a 0.8 conversation rate (meaning plex can't transcode fast enough to keep up). If I have more than one person using it, forget about it, its god awful for everyone who tries to use it.


    I saw some posts (here, here) in the RC2 release thread saying people were experiencing similar issues with their VMs. While I don't run any VMs I do have about 8 dockers and they all feel much much slower and regularly 100% all available cores even for what I would consider light duty tasks.


    Downgrading to 6.8.3 resolves my performance issues on NODE, plex can keep up with multiple streams and my overall CPU usage over a given time is halved. This is with NO OTHER CHANGES to the system.


    Steps to reproduce:
    -upgrade to 6.9.0-RC2 and watch your CPU performance tank.


    Downgrade to 6.8.3 and it all returns to "normal".



    EDIT: Just found ljm42's post here about the cpu governor in tweaks and tips, mine was indeed on power saver mode so I will test and see if this resolves my performance issues on RC2.


    EDIT2: Yeah that seems to have done it. I never would have guessed the CPU governor setting got changed, so I'm glad I found that post.

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    10 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

    Maybe this?


    Yup, that's the thread I found. I linked to LJM42's reply specifically as that appears to be what my issue was.


    On a side note, I see the tips and tweaks plugin recommends the performance scaler, does this offer much difference for day to day use over the OnDemand option?



    If you set the 'Power Save' CPU Governor, you may see your processors stuck at 800 MHz. It is recommended you use the 'Performance' Governor for best performance and power savings.


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