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  • Starting a drive preclear during a format function will pause the format

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    I've recreated this issue twice as I expand my primary array, previously in 6.12.8, now in 6.12.10:


    1. Purchase new disk(s), slot into backplane
    2. Drives are recognized under Unassigned Drives
    3. Start Preclear on some/all drives, wait for drives to complete Preclear.
    4. Optional: Purchase and add more new disks to backplane
    5. Once Preclear is complete, stop array to add drives
    6. Add drives, start array, this succeeds as expected
    7. Tick the "Yes, Format" and click Format to officially add the precleared drives to the array
    8. Formatting begins, and because I am impatient, I go down and start preclear on any new Unassigned Devices I may have installed but not yet cleared


    Formatting will now silently stall until the Preclear(s) are complete (25+ hours for 18TB drives).

    I recognize this is likely intended or untested behavior, and an edge case. And now that I've found it, it's easy to avoid. I think my low-priority bugfix suggestion would be: have Unassigned Devices grey out Preclear while a formatting operation is occurring, as Formatting should only take a few minutes for Precleared drives to finish on an array, and/or have a warning note on Format button to please wait before starting additional Preclear functions. 

    You can see what happens in my attached syslog: I start Formatting 3 precleared drives, click Preclear on a new drive (not logged in syslog, afaict), then the Format process just stalls completely for 12 hours. I then realize the Preclear is probably causing me grief, stop the preclear, and the stalled formatting completes quickly as expected and the drives are available in the array.

    (Array drives: Seagate 18TB Ironwolf Pro)


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    I expect that is inherent in the fact that Unraid is based on Linux and the pre-clear stops a system ‘sync’ call from completing.

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    Yep, at the end of format sync is used to make sure any pending writes are committed to the drive but that's system wide and preclear does a constant write that won't end until it's done.

    But you can pause preclear and it should go through, then resume.

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