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Upgraded 6.3.5 > 6.4.1 and now get blank screen after boot completed


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This isn't a major issue since unRAID still boots up and I can access the web GUI as well as remote in via SSH, but still odd. 


I have a motherboard, ASRock EP2C602, that has built in IPMI for my server. This may or may not be related as it should still act like a real monitor+keyboard+mouse is hooked up, but mentioning anyway just in case. With v6.3.5 I could see it boot up, post, scan for drives, etc. and then unRAID would start up and I'd see the normal linux/unix text fly by as things are loaded. After it was all done I'd see the last remaining text from loading and a text login prompt near the bottom. Pretty standard linux/unix text-only mode prompt as expected.


After upgrading to 6.4.1 (I skipped 6.4.0 since I didn't have the downtime until now and so installed the latest instead), I still get the same thing up until the last/final step. After all the linux/unix loading text goes flying by instead of ending with the text login prompt, I just end up with a blank screen. I've tried pushing buttons (space, enter, up, down, etc) to try to wake up the screen as I thought it might go into a screen saver mode of sorts. I even tried Ctrl+Alt+Del because old habits are hard to break I guess. =/  That rebooted my server for me... =(  Not sure if it was a clean shutdown as I couldn't see if it was doing the normal shutdown process due to the blank screen, but luckily it at least seem to come back up fine and the array started with no problems. But again blank screen on the console monitor. I tried another (proper) soft reboot as well as a full power down and then back on, but still every time it just goes to a blank screen. Is that expected and changed from the previous version?


Honestly I think I've only used the console login once or twice, but it is nice knowing it is there if I absolutely can't connect over the network via web interface, SSH, or any other way, so I wanted to check and see if there was any way to fix it?

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Thanks, the Aspeed IMPI fix did the trick! Another thing I need to add to my tweak list in case I ever have to reinstall unRAID. =/  Wish I had seen that whole thread before doing the upgrade....


Do you know if the "nomodeset" only needs to be added to the default "unRAID OS" label/boot option's append line? Wondering if I should also add it to the GUI and Safe Modes entries as well so if I ever have to boot into Safe Mode, for example, I don't end up with the same problem.

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OK I added it to all entries and saved it, so it looks like this now:


label unRAID OS
  menu default
  kernel /bzimage
  append initrd=/bzroot nomodeset
label unRAID OS GUI Mode
  kernel /bzimage
  append initrd=/bzroot,/bzroot-gui nomodeset
label unRAID OS Safe Mode (no plugins, no GUI)
  kernel /bzimage
  append initrd=/bzroot unraidsafemode nomodeset
label unRAID OS GUI Safe Mode (no plugins)
  kernel /bzimage
  append initrd=/bzroot,/bzroot-gui unraidsafemode nomodeset
label Memtest86+
  kernel /memtest


That should be all I need correct?


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