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  1. Ok I will try all of it... Regarding the rebuilt shall I start again?
  2. Done and I just discovered that Disk 10 failed again during data rebuilt (disk 12 still appear ok)... What shall I do? Stop and retry to built? Let run the rebuilt of disk 12 and than recheck all and give disk 10 a second chance? BTW I just noticed the rebuilt process is totally stopped at 30,2% and not moving and several disks (3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15) have errors reported But mainly I would like to understand the reason of the failures... Shall I change once again the cables even if they are new and of good quality or shall I investigate other reasons?? Thanks PS Attached last diagnostic monstruo-diagnostics-20240730-1225.zip
  3. Sorry.... Here you have monstruo-diagnostics-20240730-0019.zip
  4. Cables are not even 1 year old and good quality (Corsair). Could have been a power peak or something similar? Regarding the data rebuilt how should I proceed? Thanks
  5. Good day everybody, yesterday I had a double disk failure (diagnostic attached) and after a SMART extended self test on both disks I got the same result: Completed without error... Now I would like to know the following: 1) Should I change the drives (I would avoid if not really necessary) 2) If I can keep the 2 drives how should proceed for the data rebuilt? one at the time or both togather? Thanks for your help monstruo-diagnostics-20240729-0007.zip
  6. Hi guys, since yesterday I got this message everytime I start Plex Media Server from my Unraid. This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below. <Response code="503" title="Maintenance" status="Plex Media Server is currently running database migrations."/> It happemned before but usually it was fixing by itself after few minutes but now we re talking about days and apparently there is no change at all. I tried to install a different PMS repository and I migrated the database but same issue... Any idea/suggestion? I would like not to loose the database again (it happened few months back and I would like to avoid to start all the job once again) Thanks
  7. Hi guys, tomorrow I will move out my place and I will send my Server by container in my home country. Any particular suggestion on how to do it? Do I need to apply any specific procedure in order to minimize data loss or disk damages? Thanks
  8. Hi Guys, I got a failed disk on my array and usually I would have installed a new one and proceed with the standard data rebuilt. Unfortunately where I live there is apparently a shortage of hard drives and I have to wait almost 2 weeks to get one.... Is there any way I can do a data rebuilt without a new drive (like rebuilding in other drives I already have installed and completely empty)? Thanks
  9. Hi guys... sorry for the long time to replay but I was out for work... Seems that JorgeB had the good idea... it is only happening when I do a hot plug of the disk so I guess is a power drop that disconnect the disk... Is kind of weird because is happening only to that specific disk but if I install the disk with server off and than restart I do not have any issue. Thanks once again for your fantastic help!
  10. Unfortunately did not work... Automount is off...
  11. If I do not install any disk with UD disk 19 is working fine and does not disconnect in any way... As soon I install a disk through UD disk 19 drop and actually is not marked Array on the mount button but is mountable...
  12. I really cannot remember... I will wait data rebuilt to finish and I try with the system off and see what is happening
  13. The problem with the cable was solved... unfortunately I trusted a custom cable that resulted poorly done (despite the price I paid for it!!!). Now I would like to solve this problem with the Unassigned Device Plugin... Every time I try to install a HD with unassigned device disk 19 is disabled and appears in the list of the disks in Unassigned Device list togather with the other installed disk. Seems UD has memorized disk 19 (I keep removing it from UD historical devices list) and try to mount it every time UD is used even if disk 19 is part of the array (I already had to do a data rebuilt 3 times for this reason...). I do not know what is wrong or how I should fix the issue. Any idea/suggestion? Thanks
  14. Sorry for the delay... here the new diag file... As soon as I attempted to install a new disc this is what I got... Error in disk 19, parity check paused, and disc on the Unassigned devices identification list.... monstruo-diagnostics-20230113-0614.zip
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