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Everything posted by VictorCharlie

  1. Same here. I am following this guide:
  2. That worked Thank @Kilrah for h showing me where to look and to be patient. @epilot5280 I would delete the docker and the appdata folder and install it again watching the console log until it finishes. I put the total log below so you will know when it is done. Here is the first run complete log: ,--------.,--. ,--. ,---. ,--. ,--------.| | '--. .--'`--',--.--. ,---. ,-| | ,---. / .-' | | '--. .--'| .' | | ,--.| .--'| .-. :' .-. | | .-. || `-, | | | | | | | | | || | \ --.\ `-' | ' '-' '| .-' | |.--.| | `--' `--' `--'`--' `----' `---' `---' `--' `--''--'`--' .--. '--' Image: tiredofit/debian Repository/Issues/Support: https://github.com/tiredofit/docker-debian/ Like my work? Visit https://www.tiredofit.ca/sponsor 2023-02-13.12:36:46 [NOTICE] ** [monitoring] Container configured for monitoring with 'zabbix modern' 2023-02-13.12:36:46 [NOTICE] ** [scheduling] Container configured for scheduled tasks with 'cron' 2023-02-13.12:36:46 [NOTICE] ** [messaging] Container configured to route mail via SMTP to 'postfix-relay' 2023-02-13.12:36:46 [INFO] ** [mariadb] New embedded database detected, setting up.. 2023-02-13.12:36:48 [NOTICE] ** [freepbx] Creating default configuration files 2023-02-13.12:36:49 [NOTICE] ** [freepbx] Setting file permissions 2023-02-13.12:36:49 [INFO] ** [freepbx] New install detected - please wait while we fetch FreePBX - will take up to 30 minutes! 2023-02-13.12:36:56 [NOTICE] ** [freepbx] Starting Asterisk 17.9.4 for the first time 2023-02-13.12:37:02 [NOTICE] ** [freepbx] Installing FreePBX source code (db embedded) 2023-02-13.12:39:22 [NOTICE] ** [freepbx] Enabling default modules: 2023-02-13.12:39:22 [NOTICE] ** [freepbx] - framework, core 2023-02-13.12:42:20 [NOTICE] ** [freepbx] - cdr (embedded db) 2023-02-13.12:42:23 [NOTICE] ** [freepbx] - backup, callrecording, conferences, dashboard, featurecodeadmin, filestore, fw_langpacks, infoservices, languages, logfiles, music, recordings, sipsettings, soundlang, voicemail 2023-02-13.12:44:50 [NOTICE] ** [freepbx] - certman, userman, pm2 2023-02-13.12:48:56 [NOTICE] ** [freepbx] - ucp 2023-02-13.12:53:24 [NOTICE] ** [freepbx] Attempting to install additional FreePBX modules '' 2023-02-13.12:55:38 [INFO] ** [freepbx] Finished installation of FreePBX modules - proceeding with next phase of install 2023-02-13.12:55:39 [NOTICE] ** [freepbx] Setting RTP ports - start: '18000' finish: '20000' 2023-02-13.12:55:39 [INFO] ** [freepbx] Starting Asterisk 17.9.4 2023-02-13.12:58:51 [INFO] ** [freepbx] Starting installation of Flash Operator Panel 2 2023-02-13.12:59:14 [INFO] ** [freepbx] Starting operator panel 2023-02-13.12:59:15 [INFO] ** [freepbx] Web server started - container initialization completed - visit your http(s)://.../admin to administer 2023-02-13.12:59:16 [STARTING] ** [monitoring] [1] Starting Zabbix Agent (modern) 6.0.3 2023-02-13.12:59:16 [STARTING] ** [scheduling] [1] Starting cron
  3. ok I got something, I deleted everything installed the app again this time with repository: tiredofit/freepbx:14 I watched the download process carefully (took about 7 min) and I got a Webui. I then changed the repository to: tiredofit/freepbx:15 Docker images were updated and I still have a Webui However I am getting a error in the console log: crontab: can't change directory to '/var/spool/cron/crontabs': No such file or directory 2023-02-13.12:25:16 [STARTING] ** [scheduling] [50] Starting cron after 50 attempts it kills the attempt to start the file the Webui is still functioning I changes the repository to: tiredofit/freepbx:15-latest No new images downloaded but Webui still working. I think I will try going straight to the latest repository one more time and watch the log carefully.
  4. I deleted everything and installing the frepbx-14 image and I am watching the download process right now. I can see it downloading and going through its install process. If this works I will try the version 15 again. I will let you know.
  5. Everything is default except I used the bridge connection to get an separate ip from my Unraid server. I did this because I was having problems. How did you "see" the installation process? Was that when you installed the container the first time or in the WebUI? When I go to the WebUI I get a 500 error. The apache logs shows this: PHP Fatal error: Class 'FreePBX' not found in /var/www/html/admin/config.php on line 137 When you start up your container are there more logs than this? Thank you for helping. ,--------.,--. ,--. ,---. ,--. ,--------.| | '--. .--'`--',--.--. ,---. ,-| | ,---. / .-' | | '--. .--'| .' | | ,--.| .--'| .-. :' .-. | | .-. || `-, | | | | | | | | | || | \ --.\ `-' | ' '-' '| .-' | |.--.| | `--' `--' `--'`--' `----' `---' `---' `--' `--''--'`--' .--. '--' Image: tiredofit/debian Repository/Issues/Support: https://github.com/tiredofit/docker-debian/ Like my work? Visit https://www.tiredofit.ca/sponsor 2023-02-11.18:21:37 [NOTICE] ** [container-init] Detected Container that has been restarted - Cleaning '/tmp/.container' files 2023-02-11.18:21:37 [NOTICE] ** [monitoring] Container configured for monitoring with 'zabbix modern' 2023-02-11.18:21:37 [NOTICE] ** [scheduling] Container configured for scheduled tasks with 'cron' 2023-02-11.18:21:38 [NOTICE] ** [messaging] Container configured to route mail via SMTP to 'postfix-relay' 2023-02-11.18:21:39 [NOTICE] ** [freepbx] Creating default configuration files 2023-02-11.18:21:40 [NOTICE] ** [freepbx] Setting file permissions 2023-02-11.18:21:42 [NOTICE] ** [freepbx] Setting RTP ports - start: '18000' finish: '20000' 2023-02-11.18:21:42 [INFO] ** [freepbx] Starting Asterisk 17.9.4 2023-02-11.18:21:43 [INFO] ** [freepbx] Starting operator panel 2023-02-11.18:21:45 [INFO] ** [freepbx] Web server started - container initialization completed - visit your http(s)://.../admin to administer 2023-02-11.18:21:45 [STARTING] ** [monitoring] [1] Starting Zabbix Agent (modern) 6.0.3 2023-02-11.18:21:45 [STARTING] ** [scheduling] [1] Starting cron
  6. Thank you for replying. Mine has been running for days now. What is the indicator that it is fully started and download is finished? The last line in my container log is cron started. Is there more after that? Would the Apache error (shown above) be resolved after the download? I'm wanting to trouble shoot the issue. I'm not familiar enough with this program to be effective at finding the problem.
  7. No. I have not. I've tried several things most testing permissions. I opened an issue on github but no response on either place.
  8. No UI / Webpage on new install: What am I missing? I just installed the FreePBX docker container on my Unraid 6.11.5. I have it on a bridge network interface. When I go to the webui I get an http error code 500. The apache logs give this error: Class 'FreePBX' not found in /var/www/html/admin/config.php on line 137. I have tried http, https alternate ports of 8150 and 4150. There are no error in the docker log. Can anyone help me understand what I am missing? Apache logs and netstat below. The apache logs show this: [tiredofit/debian 13:31:33] # tail apache2/error.log [Tue Feb 07 07:00:28.817982 2023] [ssl:warn] [pid 1280] AH01909: server certificate does NOT include an ID which matches the server name [Tue Feb 07 07:00:28.856438 2023] [ssl:warn] [pid 1281] AH01909: server certificate does NOT include an ID which matches the server name [Tue Feb 07 07:00:28.863292 2023] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 1281] AH00163: Apache/2.4.38 (Debian) OpenSSL/1.1.1n configured -- resuming normal operations [Tue Feb 07 07:00:28.863452 2023] [core:notice] [pid 1281] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2' [Tue Feb 07 07:02:28.183471 2023] [:error] [pid 1284] [client] PHP Fatal error: Class 'FreePBX' not found in /var/www/html/admin/config.php on line 137 [Tue Feb 07 07:02:35.841350 2023] [:error] [pid 1285] [client] PHP Fatal error: Class 'FreePBX' not found in /var/www/html/admin/config.php on line 137 [Tue Feb 07 07:09:40.782027 2023] [:error] [pid 1287] [client] PHP Fatal error: Class 'FreePBX' not found in /var/www/html/admin/config.php on line 137 [Tue Feb 07 07:10:16.193639 2023] [:error] [pid 1284] [client] PHP Fatal error: Class 'FreePBX' not found in /var/www/html/admin/config.php on line 137 [Tue Feb 07 17:41:30.343807 2023] [:error] [pid 1285] [client] PHP Fatal error: Class 'FreePBX' not found in /var/www/html/admin/config.php on line 137 [Tue Feb 07 17:41:55.905966 2023] [:error] [pid 1286] [client] PHP Fatal error: Class 'FreePBX' not found in /var/www/html/admin/config.php on line 137 Netstat: [tiredofit/debian 13:31:43] # netstat -anp Active Internet connections (servers and established) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name tcp 0 0* LISTEN - tcp 0 0* LISTEN - tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1101/fop2_serve tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1281/apache2 tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1281/apache2 tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1281/apache2 tcp6 0 0 :::10050 :::* LISTEN - tcp6 0 0 :::8050 :::* LISTEN - udp 0 0* - Active UNIX domain sockets (servers and established) Proto RefCnt Flags Type State I-Node PID/Program name Path unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 176277461 - /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 176290148 1101/fop2_serve /var/run/fop2.ctl unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 176277299 31/s6-ipcserverd s unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 176287409 - /var/lib/zabbix/run/zabbix-agent.sock
  9. Overclocked RAM! Ok I need to spend some time in the BIOS. It has a auto overclocked I must have triggered that I don't want. That is probably were the Machine check issues are from. Thanks I will comb over everything.
  10. @JorgeB Thank you for your post. I have dealt with this problem when I first installed Unraid on this hardware. I was able to fix it then. I will double check nothing has changed. I had to update then revert the BIOS in dealing with a SATA controller error. Do you see evidence that the c-sate issue is still happening in the logs?
  11. Twice in the past couple weeks my server just froze. It would not respond via ssh, keyboard, or wake up the screen. I hard restarted it this morning and I did not see anything obvious in the logs. Some time today FCP plugin reported a machine check notice. It suggests to get the log from MCE but my processor is not supported. I am not sure the freezing and the machine check are related. Can anyone please help me track down the issue? pensieve-diagnostics-20220210-1711.zip
  12. I have used Synching for a while on other devices. I have 2 server on the same LAN. One is set to send only and the other is set to receive only. The servers show connected and appear to be fine. I have 6 shared folders between them. The send only server shows the receive only server as out of sync but no files are transferring to the other system. Can anyone help me figure out why nothing syncs? I have removed and reinstalled both dockers several time. I can not see anything obvious in the logs.
  13. Thank you everyone I was able to repair the XFS file system and found errors in the BTRFS file system that have been corrected. Having a SATA controller and the relating ungraceful shutdowns really did a number on the server. Thank you for all the help recovering!
  14. Update: Disk2 ( the unmountable one) is now mounted. I followed the steps outlined in the link above. I ended up running it twice because I found suggestion on a Ubuntu forum but the Unraid one was much better. I stopped the array and started it again in maintenance mode and it mounted. As for the parity drives I removed one and then added it again. A sync button showed up and I started the parity sync for one of the drives. This will take hours to finish. I'll update when it's done. I will probably do it again for the second drive after that. Thank you for the help. I am still open to suggestions. Also I see errors for the NVME drive in the syslog is that from the failed sata controller?
  15. I do not see any suggestions or errors in the output. XFS_repair output.txt
  16. Here is the latest diag. Status all drives on the new sata card except the nvme drive. pensieve-diagnostics-20220107-1140.zip
  17. Thank you. I moved everything to the new controller card. What is the best plan for the disabled parity drives and the unmountable one? If I removes and re-add the parity drives will that delete all the parity info on them? So I don't want to do that until I get the unmountable drive working. Advice from anyone?
  18. The succinct story is I noticed errors during parity checks and found that me raid / jabod had gone bad. I moved some disks around to the on board controller but three drives where still on the bad card. The three on the bad card all reported errors so I shut the server down until the replacement came. (Sorry I did not get a diagnostic because I started getting kernel panic shutdowns from either a bad bios setting to the card. Either way that problem is fixed.) The new card is in place and the original observed errors are gone. But now the drives are doing other weird stuff. This all could have come from the several bad shutdowns. One drive is now reporting unmountable. This is the main problem. I do not want to format it like the UI is suggesting. The drive should be still good. Is there a way to repair the file system and get it recognized by the system? Two drives where put into emulated mode and disabled. This happened during the crazy shutdowns. I removed them from the array and added them back and parity check started immediately and started repairing those drives. It will be done soon. Then I'll know how bad it is for them. (update: Parity finished. I believe problem ixed) Third issue is related the problem 2 . Literally while writing this post a fourth disk reported over 690 million errors. However the parity check just finished and reported three fixed and normal operation. The only real issue is the unmountable drive. Any advice what I should do about it? Update: I just ran another parity check just to make sure everything was good. There were a massive amount of errors reported by the same disk from problem 3. Now both parity disks are disabled. What a hot mess. I'll post another diag since the errors and the disabling of the parity disks. pensieve-diagnostics-20220107-0051.zip pensieve-diagnostics-20220107-0107.zip
  19. @squid Thank you! I had to run it with the -L to fix the issue. It all seems to be running correctly. I check all of my disks and the cache too.
  20. I had received a warning for common problems with disk4 us mounted read-only. I inspected the syslog.1.txt (syslog.txt is full of the same errors) and found this error, "XFS (md4): Metadata CRC error detected at xfs_dir3_block_read_verify+0x7d/0xc6 [xfs], xfs_dir3_block block 0x1a8106c8' , 'Sep 14 02:19:27 Pensieve kernel: XFS (md4): Unmount and run xfs_repair' I when here and found instructions how to run the repair. https://wiki.unraid.net/Check_Disk_Filesystems#Checking_and_fixing_drives_in_the_webGui I ran the check first and there were errors (see log attached XFS_Check_log.txt): In the instructions it says that, "If however issues were found, the display of results will indicate the recommended action to take. Typically, that will involve repeating the command with a specific option, clearly stated, which you will type into the options box (including any hyphens, usually 2 leading hyphens)." I do not see any instruction in the output to do the repair. The instructions send me here: https://wiki.unraid.net/Check_Disk_Filesystems#xfs_repair. I am not sure which switches to use. Can I get an assist in running the repair or overall checking my work to find the root cause? There could be one issue or many I do not know. Thank you in advance for your time and lending your expertise. pensieve-diagnostics-20210915-1958.zip XFS_check_output.txt
  21. I read your link and followed the other link. I found the Power Supply Idle Control option in the bios and set it to, "typical current idle." I also found the C-state control right next to the Power Supply Idle Control option and will disable it if the the previous option does not seam to do the trick. Huge thanks you @JorgB for your write-up. I would have never found this.
  22. I recently upgraded my server replacing the motherboard, CPU, vide card, and RAM with used parts from a friend (stats below). I had to remove a 4 port network card because I was out of room on the motherboard. I moved over the USB drive and added and removed drives to the array. The drive moving went fine with no issues. However several times now the whole system locks up and is unresponsive via the network GUI and would not display anything on the monitor. I did not try ssh (sorry). I will do that if it happens again. It normally happens at night and in the morning I have to do a hard reset. The Common Problems plugin reports a Machine Check event and recommends I ask the forum for help. I do not know if the Machine Check even is from the hard restart or from the original problem. The attached diagnostic is from after the hard restart. If it happens again I will try to get it from the system via ssh. Here are my list of questions: Where should I be looking for the errors to diagnose this problem? Does anyone see what the error is? Did bringing over the USB from the original system cause problems? (I still see the system looking of the old network card.) Is there a way to reset the USB to a fresh, new like, state without loosing my license and would this actually help the hardware issue? System Stats: Version: 6.8.3 Motherboard: AAUATek Prime B350M-A Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 1400 Ram: 16GB of 2x8GB TeamForce Pro Dark DDR4 3200 Video Card: Nvidia GTX 750 Ti SATA card: PCE8SAT-M01 VER006S 8 port SATA Card pensieve-diagnostics-20201229-1034.zip pensieve-diagnostics-20201221-1336.zip
  23. Fantastic, that worked great. I added /opt/splunk/etc/auth to my appdata directory and it worked perfectly. Thank you very much.
  24. @andrew207 Thank you for your response. I should have been more clearer in my last post. I am able to get the app working. I created the index and set the inputs and it runs perfectly. The issue comes on the configuration tab in the app. You do not need the api key to see the problem. After I add the inputs (you can just put anything it does not matter) and save them. then I edit the Splunk docker and go back to the app the configuration pages break. The frame of the page loads but the content such as the form and the submit buttons do not load. The pages never loads. Anything that is created as an input is missing and never loads. From what I can see there is something is created when the inputs are entered that are not persistent. This is the best Splunk docker for unraid out there I would hate to have to run a VM just because I can't get this app to work. Thanks for your help.
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