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Everything posted by sfaruque

  1. Thank you @jmztaylor. I've install it and run the command --scan. It says 'The Kernel flag libata.allow_tpm is not set correctly'. Any idea how this is done? I'm looking for the readme but nothing like that downloaded with the sedutil-cli wget.
  2. Hi, I'm in a similar boat where I need to unlock Type 2 protected disk. Could you please let me know how to install the sedutil-cli in Unraid? Thanks
  3. No worries. Thanks @itimpi. I've enabled the syslog server and mirrored the logs into the flash drive too. Just a question - is it possible to replace the drive which is 10TB with a 6TB drive (as the drive was only about 45% filled) or rebuild the failed 10TB drive with a couple or more drives that'll total to 10TB? Thanks.
  4. Thanks for your reply @itimpi. Sounds promising. I'll try to get a drive soon. Luckly I did have a diagnostics before I did a reboot. Attached. Please can you see any issues before I rebooted from the logs? Appreciate it. Thank you. dhaka-diagnostics-20230722-1643.zip
  5. Hello - I received a 'Device is Disabled, Content Emulated' error with a red cross in one of my data disk (disk2). I've followed some of the threads here and replaced my sata cable with a new one and also changed my sata port to a different one in the motherboard. Despite that change I'm still getting the same error. I'm attaching the latest diagnostics. Please help. Thank you. dhaka-diagnostics-20230722-1845.zip
  6. Looks like it was bad DRAM sticks. I've removed them and errors have disappeared. Thanks for your help.
  7. I'll remove the new sticks and see. Could there be any long term consequences if I leave them there do you think? As the server appears to be running fine.
  8. I haven't noticed any symptoms - just errors in the logs.
  9. Good evening I've been getting these errors below after upgrading from 6.8.3 to 6.9.2 recently. The server appears to be running fine but I'm worried as these errors were not noticed before the upgrade. I have a AMD Radeon R7 passed through to a Windows 10 VM. I recently added more ECC Kingston RAM (Total 16GBx4). MB: Asrock X570 Steel Legend CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3700X Recent diagnostics attached. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks dhaka-diagnostics-20210813-2049.zip
  10. I think the attached diagnostic was from the day I upgraded to 6.9.1. To troubleshoot the issue - when trying to run nginx from the command prompt I get 'Cannot bind address' and 'address already in use'. Chould this be an issue with the updated Linux kernal that is not compatible with my network card? I have a quad port Intel NIC that I thought should be fine. dhaka-diagnostics-20210316-0032.zip
  11. Thanks for looking into this @Squid. I've been trying to solve this myself and the issue seems to be intermittent. The symptoms described happenes mostly when I reboot the server (I shut it down at night using the S3 Sleep plugin). If I hard reset I seem to access the webGui. I'm attaching couple more syslog for reference from few days ago. (The one that is syslog-20210319-073016.txt was generated when the server started from shutdown overnight). Sorry about the confusion. Thanks for looking into this. syslog-20210319-073016.txt syslog-20210319-094802.txt
  12. Hello - I upgraded to 6.9 then 6.9.1 from 6.8.3 recently and since then issues with my unraid server. I connected my box with a monitor and the server boots in the login prompt. However, accessing the server from LAN is not working. I can't SSH into the server from other computers. The Windows Network doesn't show the unraid server. All the SMB shares are not accessible. The only thing I can see on the monitor connected directly to unraid is the login prompt. I can login from the prompt too. What could be the issue here? I have had more than a year without any issues with 6.8.x. Is there any new settings in the latest release that could be causing the issue? Mostly I run pfSense VM, Plex, nextCloud etc. CPU: Ryzen 3600 MB: ASrock X570 32GB Kingston ECC Memory AMD Radeon R7 Latest diagnostics attached for you reference. Thanks dhaka-diagnostics-20210325-1602.zip
  13. I have similar issue. Unfortunately I can't get into the WebGUI or SSH. The server is basically appears to be DEAD. I couldn't even get any diagnostics. Is there any way of getting the diagnostics if I don't have access to WebGUI or SSH? My video card is stubbed with 'System Tools' so Unraid with GUI access from boot doesn't even show anything on the monitor when plugged in directly onto Unraid. What a mess! Unraid version 6.9.1 ASRock X570 / Ryzen 3600 / 32GB ECC RAM
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