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Posts posted by ICDeadPpl

  1. 1 hour ago, Hoopster said:

    Assuming those libraries and drivers need to be installed, "sudo" is not needed/supported on unRAID (as the error suggests).


    The root user already has elevated privileges and you do not need to run sudo first before the apt install command.


    FYI - anything installed in the container this way gets lost when the container is updated.

    You can make a folder called "custom-cont-init.d" in the /config folder location and put a script in there.

    It gets executed during start/restart of the container.
    This applies to Linuxserver containers only, that I know of.
    Read more here, under "Custom Scripts".

    • Thanks 1
  2. I also have noticed that the timestamp is 1 hour off.

    If I create a folder at "16:31:24", Papermerge shows in the logs that it was created "15:31:24".

    If I connect to the Papermerger Docker ('docker exec -ti papermerge bash') and run 'date', it shows the right time.

    Also the 'echo $TZ' is showing the correct timezone.

    It seems like Papermerge is still running with summer time, 1 hour less than it is now.

    Setting TZ should take DST into account automatically, right? Somehow it doesn't work that way in Papermerge.

  3. Is it just me, or are the Docker Hub and Github links kind of wonky? Check the URLs when hovering your mouse over the links.
        "Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/booksonic-air/"
    link points to


        "Github: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-booksonic-air"
    points to both
        " https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-bookstack" 


        " https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/bookstack/"

  4. I tried with opening Firefox with add addons disabled, and it still keeps the computer awake if the Unraid forums are open in a tab.

    This is what "powercfg.exe -requests" shows when the forums are opened in Firefox:


    This is when I close the forums tab:


    Chrome shows only the "Legacy Kernel Caller" when the forums are open:



    I have disabled all notifications in the settings in my profile, but it didn't make any difference.
    I can have any other webpage or forum open, and going to sleep timeout works.

    Just not when the Unraid forums are open in a browser.

  5. On 5/8/2020 at 11:11 PM, ssinseeme said:

    I don't see it in 2 places. I have it only in Letencrypt Nextcloud.config. I don't see that in the nextcloud config.php. could you point me to the senconf place you believe i have it 

    Well, when I searched for the string "add_header Strict-Transport-Security", I found it in these files:

    I have commented it out in the "nextcloud/nginx/site-confs/default" file.

  6. 5 hours ago, ssinseeme said:

    Can anybody tell me why after adding the line:

    add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains; preload;";


    i still have "The "Strict-Transport-Security" HTTP header is not set to at least "15552000" seconds. For enhanced security, it is recommended to enable HSTS as described in the security tips ↗."


    I fixed all other error following spaceinvador but this one

    I think Nginx behaves like this if the same directive is enabled in two places at the same time, like in the Letsencrypt and Nextcloud containers.
    Comment out the other one, and check after restarting the dockers.


  7. 2 hours ago, ChronoStriker1 said:

    Was just checking your script out.  It works but if you don't already have the BACKUP_DEST_APP folder already created it never backs anything up due to the location not being writable.  You may want to do a check for it or at least output an error.  The other two work find since you are always creating them.

    I added error message for missing directory.
    Thanks for the input! 

  8. 7 hours ago, Chris_bacon said:

    Did you end up finding a solution? Trying to do the same but tiff to JPG

    I solved it by downloading ffmpeg and using it to convert GIF to PNG.

    I added this to my 'go' file:

    # Start install ffmpeg
    cd /tmp
    wget https://johnvansickle.com/ffmpeg/builds/ffmpeg-git-amd64-static.tar.xz
    tar xf ffmpeg-git-amd64-static.tar.xz
    rm ffmpeg-git-amd64-static.tar.xz
    cd ffmpeg*
    cp ffmpeg /usr/local/bin/
    cp ffprobe /usr/local/bin/
    chmod 777 /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg
    chmod 777 /usr/local/bin/ffprobe
    cd ..
    rm -rf ffmpeg*
    # End install ffmpeg

    Then I use this in a script to convert from GIF to PNG:

    /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg -y -i image001.gif image001.png


  9. 17 hours ago, thunderclap said:

    Maybe I missed the recommendation but if we install several dockers that require a database, should we install a new instance of this docker? i.e. If I have Nextcloud and Piwigo installed should I have two instances of the mariadb docker running each with a single database, or is it better to run multiple databases within a single mariadb docker?

    No need to run two instances, one instance works just fine with multiple databases.

  10. 1 minute ago, NLS said:



    Well since you build CA, you could just handle it fine transparently. Either in a generic way ("guessing" that a "v" or "v.", and possibly a couple of other prefixes in the beginning are to be ignored - which is not a bad idea even for sorting reasons, maybe look into it?), or just hard-code the single time that this changes.


    As long as there is will (and strong enough OCD), there are are solutions.



    Surely would. The problem being how do you "make" people see this change (or the auto-update).


    Maybe push a mock update to the v-version with changelog only requesting users to uninstall & re-install the plugin, so that the new versioning format can take over.

  11. Try to set the backup share to "Prefer".
    From the help description:
    "Prefer indicates that all new files and subdirectories should be written to the Cache disk/pool, provided enough free space exists on the Cache disk/pool.
    If there is insufficient space on the Cache disk/pool, then new files and directories are created on the array.
    When the mover is invoked, files and subdirectories are transferred off the array and onto the Cache disk/pool."

  12. 2 hours ago, EmilionDK said:


    Hey :) 
    I've been thinking about whether it would be possible to do so that each folder in appdata 

    gets packed instead of the entire folder?


    So you don't have to unpack the entire appdata folder, but only the subfolders that one needs.

    If you want, you can try my script I've made exactly for this purpose.
    It backs up the folders in your appdata location separately. It also backs up the USB flash drive and the libvirt.img file.
    I have it running on a schedule on my Unraid.

    • Like 1
  13. 33 minutes ago, itimpi said:

    Those messages mean that the first 3 trim operation worked and whatever is mounted as /tmp/overlay (which is not a location that exists on a default Unraid install) could not be trimmed.


    Having said that the figures for /etc/libvirt look a bit strange as the libvirt.img file mounted at that location is normally only 1GB in size :(.  Is yours different for some reason?   Even the figure for the docker.img file is more than I would normally expect unless you increased the size above the default of 20GB for some reason.


    Ah, that overlayfs is something I have for my "/root" directory. So I can disregard that error then.

    I've changed my libvirt.img to 1GB, thanks for the heads up!

  14. I added an SSD cache drive, and when the trim schedule runs it gives the same error as the OP.
    When I run the command manually, I get:

    root@Tower$ /sbin/fstrim -a -v
    /etc/libvirt: 50 GiB (53685309440 bytes) trimmed on /dev/loop4
    /var/lib/docker: 30.6 GiB (32834031616 bytes) trimmed on /dev/loop3
    /mnt/cache: 896 GiB (962065899520 bytes) trimmed on /dev/mapper/sdi1
    fstrim: /tmp/overlay: FITRIM ioctl failed: Input/output error

    Does the "trimmed on /dev/X" part mean that the trim worked, and something after the trim didn't?
    I've attached output of the "hdparm -I /dev/sdi" command.
    I've changed the cable too, but it didn't make a difference.


  15. Is there a way to reset the "Custom color" for the Tray Allocations page? Maybe add a "Default" option in the custom color drop down?
    So that if I've assigned my own colors on that page and later on want to handle the color assignments from the Configuration page?

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