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Posts posted by ICDeadPpl

  1. How do I get the timestamp of the downloaded video NOT to be the video upload/creation date?

    If I download a video uploaded to Youtube a week ago, then the downloaded video has the creation timestamp set for that date.

    I'd like to have the downloaded video to have the current (when it was downloaded) timestamp, so that I can easily sort the files in the download folder by date, descening order.

    Is there a YTDL_OPTIONS setting for this?

  2. 8 hours ago, Presjar said:

    Is it a problem if a CA script I have set to run on start of the array never completes when I test with "RUN SCRIPT"?


    During my script I call another script that is first copy into /usr/local/bin


    In the unraid WEBUI Shell, If I run ./monitor_arrayAudioChanges.sh I am returned to the # prompt and the process runs in background fine.

    If I close the RUN SCRIPT window the PID started by the monitor_arrayAudioChanges.sh is also terminated. I have tried sever suggestions I found online to have this .sh start in a different way / in background but have had no luck. Any suggestions?



    ## Install inotify-tools package ##
    installpkg /boot/packages/inotify-tools-
    ## Setup monitoring of music and audiobooks array folders ##
    cp -r /boot/custom/audioArrayToSSD /usr/local/bin && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/audioArrayToSSD/sync_arrayAudioToSSD.sh && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/audioArrayToSSD/monitor_arrayAudioChanges.sh
    source /usr/local/bin/audioArrayToSSD/monitor_arrayAudioChanges.sh
    ## Install  docker compose 


    Use "bash /usr/local/bin/audioArrayToSSD/monitor_arrayAudioChanges.sh" instead of "source /usr/local/bin/audioArrayToSSD/monitor_arrayAudioChanges.sh"
    From the 1st link you provided: "In the second method, if you are using exit in second script, it will exit the first script as well."

  3. 23 minutes ago, hawihoney said:

    @bonienl Would it be possible to add more extensions to supported file formats? For example *.py for Python scripts (and many more textbased sourcecode files).


    I know, the file manager is no full blown sourcecode editor, but sometimes a quick view on a sourcecode file would help a lot.


    Thanks for listening.


    This answer helped me:


    • Thanks 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Sanduleak said:

    Hi guys.


    A few years ago I followed this thread to be able to automatize the backup of different servers in my local network, everything was working great until I updated one of my sercers from Unraid 6.9.2 to 6.11.5.


    I have a cron job that backups some folders from this unraid machine to a Synology, and suddenly that job doesn´t work anymore, the command used is:


    rsync -av -e "ssh -i /root/.ssh/synokey" '/mnt/user/Podcasts' "[email protected]:'/volume1/Discoteca/Podcast/'"  --progress


    The error I get is:


    hostfile_replace_entries: link /root/.ssh/known_hosts to /root/.ssh/known_hosts.old: Operation not permitted
    update_known_hosts: hostfile_replace_entries failed for /root/.ssh/known_hosts: Operation not permitted
    sending incremental file list
    rsync: mkdir "/volume1/homes/Backup/'/volume1/Discoteca/Podcast/'" failed: No such file or directory (2)
    rsync error: error in file IO (code 11) at main.c(689) [Receiver=3.1.2]


    Other unraid servers in my network can backup to and from the synology without problems using the same keys, not sure what am I doing wrong.


    If you need any more info please feel free to ask, I fell like if I was hammering my head against a wall.

    Try running the following command on both hosts:
    ssh-keyscan -H TARGET_HOST >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts

  5. On 1/6/2022 at 11:34 PM, Bolagnaise said:


    How are you doing this? Via User scripts?

    I use this script, which checks if Plex has started transcoding and stops Trex if that is true.
    It starts Trex after Plex has finished transcoding.
    It is for Nvidia cards only. Feel free to use it and modify it to your needs.

    # Check if nvidia-smi daemon is running and start it if not.
    if [[ `ps ax | grep nvidia-smi | grep daemon` == "" ]]; then
        /usr/bin/nvidia-smi daemon
    sleep 300 # Wait until array is online and all dockers are started. Comment this out if you are testing the script.
    TREX=`docker container ls -q --filter name=trex*`
    while true; do
        if [[ `/usr/bin/nvidia-smi | grep Plex` == "" ]]; then
            # If Plex is not transcoding, start the trex-miner container if it is not running.
            if [[ `docker ps | grep $TREX` == "" ]]; then
                echo "No Plex, starting Trex."
                docker start $TREX
            # If Plex is transcoding, stop the trex-miner container if it is running.
            if [[ `docker ps | grep $TREX` != "" ]]; then
                echo "Plex running, stopping Trex."
                docker stop $TREX
        sleep 1


    • Like 2
    • Thanks 2
  6. On 9/15/2021 at 4:26 PM, REllU said:


    I don't have the answer for your issue, but I'm using an app called "AutoSync" on our household phones. Cost's like 7eur to get the license to use it with an SMB share, and you can set it to sync automatically any folders you want when you're connected to a specific wifi. Has been working nicely for our needs atleast.

    Thanks for the tip about AutoSync! I've been looking for this kind of app for a while! 👍

    • Like 1
  7. When browsing a Github repository, pressing the period "." key, you can start a VS Code instance in your browser which loads the current repository.
    From the article: "You have to try this. Go to any GitHub repository and then press the dot key on your keyboard. Visual Studio Code will appear in your browser. It will load your entire repository and you can open any file from it. You have your entire source code with syntax highlighting and coloring. If you want to search for something, you can use the Visual Studio Code search capability to search in any file in the repository. If you make a code change, that code change gets saved and you can immediately make a commit inside your GitHub repository from your browser."
    Read more at https://visualstudiomagazine.com/articles/2021/08/31/github-vs-code.aspx

    • Thanks 1
  8. 15 hours ago, TechMed said:

    Hi @ICDeadPpl and @Jorgen,


    We have been very busy with some of C-19 variant cases.

    Fortunately, they are responding, albeit slowly, to the standard treatments; 99% were not vaccinated.

    Just saying...



    This is the first chance I have had to relax and try this.

    ICDeadPpl... I read the README.md and it appears I do not have the required dependencies.

    When I tried the first line of the instructions, I got 'apt:' command not found.

    It does not seem to be in NerdPack either.

    So, if either of you would be willing to help me get these dependencies installed on unRAID, I am pretty sure I can do the rest on my own.


    BTW, thanks for the simplified fork, and perhaps this is why I couldn't get the 'official PIA' script to complete.?


    Thanks in advance!

    I should have mentioned that I followed the instructions for Windows, as I ran the script on my Windows 10 machine.

  9. 17 minutes ago, TechMed said:

    HI @Jorgen and @ICDeadPpl,


    I tried the script linked below, but it would get most all the way to the end and error out.

    It would be great if I could get it to work!


    Just got home and I have another 12 to do so I have to put this off until tomorrow or Saturday.

    I am more than happy to try again.

    I will post a screen shot of the error.


    Maybe someone can help me figure out what I am doing wrong? 😉


    Stay safe and thanks for the feedback!!! I truly do appreciate it!


    Talk soon!



    I'm actually using a fork of the official PIA script from here:
    It works fine, if you follow the instructions in the project's README.md  file.

  10. Is it possible to have a script to check when a Plex session with encoding starts, so that one can stop a mining Docker?
    In my case it's the trex-miner, which I would like to halt when Plex gets an encoding job.
    'nvidia-smi' gives the active process using the GPU, so the script would have to parse the output for Plex.

  11. 12 minutes ago, ich777 said:

    For Linux there is no such driver, I think you are talking about the Windows driver...

    For Linux the latest driver is version 465.19.01


    But no this makes no difference because now they allow officially allow to use their GeForce Cards in Linux, before this was simply a "workaround".



    To use the card in Docker containers you have to be at least on Kepler and your card is Fermi based so to speak you can't use this card in Docker containers because it's simply too old and not supported by the driver.


    Visit the link that you have linked in your post (this is also the link in the first post to the supported cards) and you see a list of cards when you click on the corresponding driver (I know currently the driver version 465.19.01 isn't listed there but you can click on the latest that is available version 460.67 - this is actually the same list and applies to newer drivers as well).

    They said it is for Linux hosts running Windows VMs:
    "With virtualization enabled, GeForce customers on a Linux host PC can now enable GeForce GPU passthrough on a virtual Windows guest OS.  There are a few GeForce use cases where this functionality is beneficial such as:

    GeForce customers wanting to run a Linux host and be able to launch a Windows virtual machine (VM) to play games 

    Game developers wanting to test code in both Windows and Linux on one machine"

  12. 8 hours ago, PsiCzar said:

    I'd like to install additional packages into the Docker Container like exiftool, what is the best way or commands to do this? Can I just put in the apt-get commands as a variable?

    You can create a custom script and put it in the docker's '/config/custom-cont-init.d' folder. The script will be executed every time the docker is started/restarted.

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