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  1. Had the same. I had to unregister and register my unraid server on my account. Seems ok since then.
  2. Still having issues with the Atlas server. I am confident all the ports are opened and forwarded to the server, and the server is listening on the ports. I can add a server to favorites through the Steam client view->servers. Then it appears in the Favorites list in the Atlas game, along with the details I have customized (like server name). But it can't connect. When looking at the UDP traffic when trying to connect - I get a lot of traffic with "Crypto handshake missing cert or session data.." and then a bunch of zeroes. Perhaps the crypto package needs to be updated? I am unsure where to look next, but still trying things. I would hate to have you remove a working server from the CA App because I may be doing something wrong. Is there a way you can have the original person who verified it is working after your Debian update to verify it again? Or can anyone else verify they have used this Altas unRaid docker successfully?
  3. I can't say it is broken, just not working for me. Could be my own setup. Definitely have refreshed. And within the Atlas game I do not see a Direct Connect or Connect to IP like I do with many other games. It only has the list. I will keep poking around.
  4. The server list in steam was a great suggestion. It doesn't find the server automatically but when I Add a Server and put in it immediately changes it in the list to "ATLAS Docker - (v402.6)" and shows the map as Ocean and Game as ATLAS, players 0/38, etc. But if I try and connect to it, it shows: So - I am thinking this is not a port forwarding problem on my router, as I am going directly to the server. As far as I can tell, the Atlas server is running fine in docker. It is definitely listening on all the ports: and unRaid opening/bridging those same ports for TCP and UDP.. So I am unsure what the disconnect currently is. At one point in my testing when trying to connect it asked for the password and actively directed my running Atlas game client to point to the server but failed to get the server info and failed at that point. The only thing I have changed on your image is in the ServerGrid.json file - I changed the WorldFriendlyName and the WorldAtlasPassword entries. Any ideas would be appreciated.
  5. Also - I am having a heck of a time with port forwarding. All the other sites I see on which ports should be forwarded for Atlas are different than the ones the docker image is listening on. I am forwarding the ones listening through direct on my router. But should I be listening on some official ports and forwarding them to the different ones that the docker image is listening on? like my unRaid is looking like this: And I am port forwarding these TCP and UDP ports from my external IP to the 47.3 unRaid server. Still don't seem my game show up in the server list yet, so figure it is something here. Ideas?
  6. Thank you, very helpful! I get it now. One other question: Do I need to set my own WorldAtlasId ? Like will the default one conflict with someone else installing the docker image the same way? Does it generate it when the docker image gets created?
  7. So I just installed an ATLAS docker in my unRaid. Started up fine I suppose. I want to modify the default game server passwords, but don't know how. Also.. I can console onto the docker server, but steam user can't sudo (not installed) and I can't login as root (don't know the password). How can I get to root on these docker servers? Simply to use apt-get to download top, or vi to modify config files.. etc. Thanks! -- update -- So I found how to get to root in the docker instance for my ATLAS server. From an unRaid terminal I can do: docker exec -u 0 -it ATLAS bash