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  1. Yeah, at first, I've created this folder on Unraid 🤦‍♂️. I'm new to Docker, respectively how it works inside, so don't blame me Then i thought about it, and it seems logical to me that it affects the container itself. So I put the file in the container. After a few attempts, it now works. My approach: while the container starts, quickly upload the traineddata file via ssh (It is necessary to do so, because the container shuts down after about 30 seconds if it has an error Only if you have any file in the /consumption folder, so make sure its empty.). Paperless finds the file and performs OCR without errors (ant it works great!). So the real question is, why does Paperless not download other languages after configuration?
  2. Hello, I have an issue with german OCR (deu). I've installed Paperless and it just works fine withthe eng OCR, even with already OCRed german files. But it won't work with deu language. I've reinstalled both docker containers with PAPERLESS_OCR_LANGUAGE: deu and i'm getting the following error and the paperless-consumer docker stop working: pyocr.error.TesseractError: (1, b'Error opening data file /usr/share/tessdata/deu.traineddata\nPlease make sure the TESSDATA_PREFIX environment variable is set to your "tessdata" directory.\nFailed loading language \'deu\'\nTesseract couldn\'t load any languages!\nCould not initialize tesseract.\n') I've even created a folder /usr/share/tessdata/ , downloaded und put deu.traineddata file into it, tried to add the TESSDATA_PREFIX environment variable to point to that folder, but nothing helps. Any ideas? Full log: tesseract.TXT